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NHLA mention?

Started by davemincin, April 11, 2005, 12:23 PM NHFT

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NHLA mention:

Where credit is due?

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, the lobbying outlet of the libertarian Free State Project, was crowing about the House vote last week that rejected a bill allowing cities to put cameras at traffic intersections.

"The overwhelming vote shows that most of our legislators still remember that we are the 'Live Free or Die' state and do not need the equivalent of an robot police force on our streets," the group said in a written release.

Kat Kanning

Cool!  What did you guys do to get it killed?


Quote from: katdillon on April 11, 2005, 01:56 PM NHFT
Cool!  What did you guys do to get it killed?

Keith arranged for a number of people to call Reps... it worked... the bill went from a unanimous OTP from the Transportation Committee, to a 2-1 margin against.  Big win for freedom.... topped off by Vaillancourt's motion of "Indefinately Postponed" which kills the bill (or similar bills) for the rest of the full session (ie the next year plus...)


Rich has sent a disclaimer off re our relationship with the FSP! ???  We are also hoping the FSP leadership sends something similiar.

It appears a little lala in the proper places can be an effective tool! ;)

Kat Kanning

We're all one big happy family now.

Thanks for the info, Seth...and good job, guys!

Dave Ridley

I think Rodinia may have had an impact on this; I know she was calling a spitload of reps but not sure if it was over red light cams or just seatbelt law.  Sure is a lot harder to strangle those litte gremlins after the committes let em slip thru.

Kat Kanning

" The fact that the Liberty Alliance works so hard to blow a smokescreen around its true objectives is disturbing."

Yeah, that secrecy stuff is going over real well.

Russell Kanning

Aren't we all working for more liberty for everyone in NH? So why don't we spend our time telling people that instead?


n a recent letter, Liberty Alliance Chair Richard Tomasso took issue with this column, claiming that the Free State Project is a separate entity from the Liberty Alliance, with "different missions."But the Free State Project's own website refers to the Liberty Alliance as a political action committee founded by Free State Project members already residing in New Hampshire.

And how does this disprove that the FSP and NHLA are separate entities with different missions?

Does the fact that I'm Jewish and a FSP member mean that the FSP is a Jewish conspiracy, I wonder?


Leave it to the standard bearer of bigger, more intrusive, more expensive government - the Concord Monitor - to publish something like this.


The Monitor has published lots of letters, I don't fault them for that.  As I mentioned on the other site, perhaps she thinks moveon.org is the same thing as the DNC.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: JonM on April 19, 2005, 08:15 AM NHFT
'Different missions?' Don't you believe it

FYI, Jane Vachon is a Strafford school board member, works for the state, and her husband was a Rep who worked for more public school funding.  (Funny, how she doesn't mention _her_ connections, right?)

Of course, she's up in arms about people trying 'promote a workable solution to the school funding situation'.  She must not want a "workable" solution, and prefers the one her husband helped to create.


Quote from: katdillon on April 19, 2005, 09:08 AM NHFT
" The fact that the Liberty Alliance works so hard to blow a smokescreen around its true objectives is disturbing."

Yeah, that secrecy stuff is going over real well.

We aren't secret about our true objectives, they are on the front page of the website
...but  how is saying that the FSP isn't the NHLA and vice versa a "smokescreen"?  Isn't being clear the opposite of a smokescreen?

Russell Kanning

She must be really scared of the idea of defunding the STATE schools. >:D