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I have no idea what this chick is saying...

Started by Lloyd Danforth, January 18, 2010, 07:19 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

But, there appears to be more videos of her and, I intend to watch them.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Free libertarian

 If your name was BoB you would understand her.    ;)

Lloyd Danforth

"And now BOB, for two Key's, what is your name?"
"Three letters!"
"Starts with B!"
:"Ends with B?!"

Free libertarian

uhhh...wait a minute dude....uhhh...I feel like I should know this one...oh wow.   :onalimb:


It is my believe that this woman is under the influence of multiple undisclosed substances.

Sam A. Robrin

I always needed "undisclosed substances" to get my brain to stop working the way hers obviously does.

Lloyd Danforth

They forgot to stop her Ritilin prescription when she graduated high school.