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Start with a parking ticket to take back control.

Started by BoyntonStu, February 07, 2010, 10:30 AM NHFT

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I left FL for NH because I feel more free when I'm surrounded by like-minded people.  Activists of this caliber are few and far between down there!


I fought these battles. Its fun.

Rememebr, you have no rights. Its not a "criminal" case..so they say. This I argued about because they threatened to issue me a warrent and jail me if I refused to pay. My arguement being that it IS criminal if they can jail me of rsuch an offense.

You are entitled to nothing but a trip to jail for contempt of court should you push it. You are NOT enitiled to a fair trial or by a jury of your peers.
Its kangaroo court and you will be railroaded to the max. The judge claims its "his court his rules." The judge will accept every bit of info from the cop as fact and ask you where is your evidence and throw out anything you present.

It is a great experience to see just how corrupt the system is. I couldnt stop from smiling as it is almost comical to watch these bastards do what they do. Their reign will soon be over.

I encourage everyone who gets a ticket to challenge it to the max...delay appearances, demand disclosures, request for discovery and jerk their chains until it bogs them down. They will spend more money on administrative fees than you will pay in fines.