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420 Celebration - Nashua

Started by Ryan McGuire, February 01, 2010, 06:34 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

True. Decrim is not ideal, but I can see how it might lead to 'trickle down'  lightening up of pot laws across the board, particularly, if the pigs can't figure out a way to claim that decrim, when employed,  is destroying society as we know it.

Ryan McGuire

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 23, 2010, 12:53 PM NHFT
Good article Ryan's interview especially.  :)

The only critique I have is the repeated call for decriminalization. Decrim is a roadblock to real reform. Pot smokers don't get chewed up by the system... pot growers and dealers do.

I'm constantly looking for better ways of expressing myself. Maybe I am using the wrong term then.

Decriminalization to me always seemed preferable to the word legalization because that seems to imply regulation (eg. cigarettes are 'legal'), whereas decrim meant (to me) that existing laws would simply be repealed. If decrim really has the connotation of just making possession of small amounts not a crime, while leaving the rest of the supply chain criminalized, I need a better way to say what I mean.

What I'm looking for is a way to say "government G.T.F.O.", but in an easily digestible form for the masses

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on March 23, 2010, 02:41 PM NHFT
True. Decrim is not ideal, but I can see how it might lead to 'trickle down'  lightening up of pot laws across the board, particularly, if the pigs can't figure out a way to claim that decrim, when employed,  is destroying society as we know it.

The problems I've seen associated with decrim. are that

It is still illegal even for the small amount.

Most people think that "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge... it's no big deal... they aren't putting people in jail anymore for pot." While people like Firecracker Joe lose everything they own and spend years in prison. Cause remember his troubles all go back to a grow bust.

They don't lighten up the other penalties... in fact the cops and prosecutors often threaten to call it intent to distribute... or using a telecommunications device etc. they have a litany of charges they can use.

And in the end it is really weak to say, in essence... "Well we will be a little less harsh on the slaves." And call that reform.

Every public opinion poll I read says yes to Medical use at 75% and recreational use at like 50%. Those are stronger numbers than, as an example, the national healthcare crap.

The drug war is an awful stain on the backs of the politicians, cops and busybodies that we finally have a chance to grab what is right. We shouldn't allow the evil bastards to continue to walk away from it. If they don't bend they will break and history should hold the same kind of shame on them as we hold on the slave owners.

Kissing the ass of the law and order clowns when they are still spouting Reefer Madness nonsense is stupid and a missed opportunity. The science is on our side, and the public also.

Bill St. Clair

Quote from: Ryan McGuire on March 24, 2010, 12:14 AM NHFT
What I'm looking for is a way to say "government G.T.F.O.", but in an easily digestible form for the masses

I usually say it as "All drugs should be completely deregulated," and then follow with this Vin Suprynowicz quote: "by that I don't mean that 'marijuana should be available by prescription'. I mean that morphine sulphate should be available in five pound bags at the grocery store for a few bucks, like sugar, only probably in a different aisle, to avoid confusion."

Lloyd Danforth

OK. You guys are right. Incrementalism  is worthless. Even when it is occurring.  All efforts at decrim should stop. Right away!

Tom Sawyer

Lloyd what's this "you guys" business? I speak for myself and have not mentioned morphine. Although I will say that a felony for growing papaver somniferum is where the change should start.

I'm videotaping at a conference in April in Rhode Island where they have legalized medical cannabis dispensaries. Why the hell should anyone in NH be excited that a quarter ounce will be a 200 dollar fine.

I don't know anyone that this will benefit.

One plant will still be a felony.

They will still be searching cars during pullovers.

I can deal with incrementalism... except where I see that it will slowdown real change. The stated goal of Matt's efforts is to keep college kids from having a criminal record that messes up their future. Well... the only reason any of this will change is because privileged kids are being hurt. That is what brought about change in the seventies. The mistake made was to settle for decrim.

Lloyd Danforth

I got it. All efforts towards decrim should stop. Right away!

Russell Kanning

Keep up the good work in Nashua guys. :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Fluff and Stuff on March 23, 2010, 12:13 PM NHFT
Story, video and pix from the Sunday 420 Celebration.  The article seemed very accurate except for calling the event a protest.  All mainstream media coverage.

If you yell at the cops .... then the media will call it a protest.
if you enjoy yourselves and don't let anyone destroy your festivities, they will call it a party. :)

here is a new story .... looks like you guys are getting the word out quite well.

Sovereign Curtis

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 24, 2010, 07:58 AM NHFT

I don't know anyone that this will benefit.

One plant will still be a felony.

They will still be searching cars during pullovers.

I can deal with incrementalism... except where I see that it will slowdown real change. The stated goal of Matt's efforts is to keep college kids from having a criminal record that messes up their future. Well... the only reason any of this will change is because privileged kids are being hurt. That is what brought about change in the seventies. The mistake made was to settle for decrim.

Passing a joint will still be a felony...


Quote from: Sovereign Curtis on April 08, 2010, 02:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 24, 2010, 07:58 AM NHFT

I don't know anyone that this will benefit.

One plant will still be a felony.

They will still be searching cars during pullovers.

I can deal with incrementalism... except where I see that it will slowdown real change. The stated goal of Matt's efforts is to keep college kids from having a criminal record that messes up their future. Well... the only reason any of this will change is because privileged kids are being hurt. That is what brought about change in the seventies. The mistake made was to settle for decrim.

Passing a joint will still be a felony...

Refusing to pay taxes to imprison people that pass a joint will still be a felony...  http://www.drugsense.org/wodclock.htm