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HippoPress: Wants to see "free staters" start a civil disobedient race circuit.

Started by thinkliberty, July 24, 2010, 12:34 PM NHFT

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QuotePublisher's Note: Wrong track?
By Jody Reese

New Hampshire is going down the wrong road. It's just so sad. First the governor bans greyhound racing and then, if you can believe it, he chose apple cider as the state beverage over milk.

This sounds like the John Lynch agenda.

Sure, there isn't actually any greyhound racing going on in the state, nor does it appear that anyone would want to start up greyhound racing again. But now that the option is gone I want to go see those dogs race. I can just see the free staters starting a greyhound racing circuit to challenge a law we never needed.

The choice of apple cider over milk was surely a tough one. I mean who hates milk? But Lynch and his agenda pushed forward on behalf of apple growers (a large campaign contributor, no doubt).

Though Lynch chose a nonalcoholic form of apple (he did, right?), he needs to take the next step and make it easier to make and sell alcoholic beverages.

In all seriousness, New Hampshire's alcohol laws haven't kept up with the craft brewing and wine-making movement (or hard apple cider). As it is now, it's quite difficult to open a wine or beer store that isn't a convenience store. The law could be changed simply by requiring craft beer licensed stores to sell a variety of beers. If we can take the big step of banning greyhound racing, then why not make it easier for beer businesses to open?

Russell Kanning