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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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WESLEY SNIPES going to federal prison for three years this week 12/8/10..

Started by karenijohnson, December 08, 2010, 08:23 PM NHFT

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WESLEY SNIPES going to federal prison for three years this week 12/8/10..

Tax Scams
If You Want To Join Wesley Snipes In Prison, Try These Tax Moves
William P. Barrett 12.03.10, 10:00 AM ET

At this writing, he hasn't turned himself in. But you can bet federal authorities will do their very best to let the world know when actor Wesley Snipes enters prison to serve three years of hard time for tax charges.

That's because the chronically understaffed Internal Revenue Service relies on publicity about criminal convictions and resulting jail terms to scare ordinary taxpayers. It's a lot cheaper than sending out a million auditors.

In the case of Snipes, the agency no doubt also is hoping the public will forget that the star of the Blade movie trilogy actually was acquitted in 2008 of far more serious felony charges that could have put him away for decades. He was charged with eight counts, including two felonies. But a Florida jury convicted him of just three, all misdemeanor charges of failing to file a tax return for three years.
In Pictures: 10 Tax Moves To Join Wesley Snipes In Jail

Each carried a maximum sentence of one year. But in a big victory for the IRS, the judge ordered that the three terms be served one after another rather than at the same time. (Snipes' main co-defendant, veteran tax protester Eddie Ray Kahn, was sentenced to 10 years; another 20 years was added this year after his conviction on additional tax charges).

Two weeks ago, the judge ordered Snipes to give himself up soon. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons has already issued him an inmate number.

Now, the nation's federal prisons aren't exactly brimming with tax cheats. More than three-quarters of the 210,000 prisoners are in for drug, weapons and immigration convictions. Tax offenders don't even get their own category on the Bureau of Prisons website. Plus, federal judges often go easy on tax cheats.

But the federal pen certainly can still end up home for lesser-known people convicted of a wide range of tax offenses. Two Cincinnati dentists, Bradley Brennecke and Bruce Mrusek, were just sentenced to one year each for leaving income off their tax returns. An Omaha tax preparer, Siyad Ali, drew 33 months for letting his customers claim as dependents children they did not have. Meanwhile, Ted Murray is appealing the 20-year sentence he got after a jury decided he tried to write off personal expenses by gambling losses and a fancy watch. According to the Bureau of Prison website, he is appealing it from a prison cell near Austin, Texas.

The federal prosecutors and tax agents who help them play it cagey when it comes to drawing a public line between what is treated as a civil case (money penalties only) vs. a criminal case (stigma and possibility of jail time). "There's no check sheet or bright line whether something is civil or criminal," IRS official John Rossmiller told an audience of tax professionals two months ago in Beverly Hills. "Each case is looked at on a case-by-case basis."

See Also:
When The Tax Man Commeth (In Person)
How To Not Get Audited By The IRS
Will Your Tax Pro Get You Audited?

Kat Kanning


And they even admit this crap:

"The federal prosecutors and tax agents who help them play it cagey when it comes to drawing a public line between what is treated as a civil case (money penalties only) vs. a criminal case (stigma and possibility of jail time). "There's no check sheet or bright line whether something is civil or criminal," IRS official John Rossmiller told an audience of tax professionals two months ago in Beverly Hills. "Each case is looked at on a case-by-case basis."

Actually, quite more than admit it, they publicise it. It makes them more scary.
That is the business they are in -terrorizing people.


If one receives a notice from IRS or any other busybody alphabet agency, the first thing to look for
is an OMB number! (Office of Management and Budget) Under the "Privacy Act" and the "Paper Reduction Act" ALL inquiry's for information are MANDATED to have a VALID OMB number. Said number is VALID ONLY for three years and must be renewed, so even if there is a number on the form, verify its validity. You can do so on-line.

If there is no OMB number, print out a copy of 44 USC 3512 "Public Protection", copy the from you received and write on it. "Not accepted for failure to conform to 44 USC 3512, copy enclosed"Photo copy the the original for your records, date it and return the original with copy of 44 USC 3512 attached.  I am NOT an attorney and I am merely sharing, "Without Prejudice" information that I have done with success.
