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Rick Santorum glitter-bombed by Occupy protesters in Florida

Started by Silent_Bob, January 25, 2012, 08:59 PM NHFT

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Rick Santorum, a frequent target of human-rights groups, was glitter-bombed at a campaign stop in Tampa, Fla., Monday by angry Occupy protestors and gay-rights activists.

The small group of men and women doused the conservative presidential candidate with fistfuls of glitter as he signed autographs outside a Tampa-area campaign stop. This is the third time in less than a month that Santorum has been glitter-bombed — a tactic used to combat opposition to gay rights — on the campaign trail.

Protesters shouted "Stop the hate, bigot" and "Rick Santorum is a homophobe" as they covered the former Pennsylvania senator. Since the start of his presidential campaign, Santorum has been a target of these groups because of his conservative stance on gay issues, particularly his strong opposition to gay marriage.

The three people responsible for the glitter attack were escorted out of the building where Santorum planned to give a speech. They were issued warnings for trespassing, but were not arrested.

Santorum was also a target for protestors while campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Pat K

Russell Kanning

Jim Johnson

Pat K

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Unfortunately I think that "attacking" Santorum gives his constituents more energy to fight.

Russell Kanning

do you meet any of his supporters?
maybe the media is just telling us he has some


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 18, 2012, 10:31 AM NHFT
do you meet any of his supporters?
maybe the media is just telling us he has some

Santorum is simply the latest human incarnation of, "Anyone but Romney".

So if the race is Obama versus Santorum, does this board then adopt a, "hold your nose and vote for Santorum" stance?


Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on February 18, 2012, 10:38 AM NHFTSo if the race is Obama versus Santorum, does this board then adopt a, "hold your nose and vote for Santorum" stance?

Who is "this board," exactly?

Speaking for myself, even if it's Obama versus Romney, I'll go in and vote "none of the above."

Romney would be worse than Obama... and that's saying something.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: WithoutAPaddle on February 18, 2012, 10:38 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 18, 2012, 10:31 AM NHFT
do you meet any of his supporters?
maybe the media is just telling us he has some

Santorum is simply the latest human incarnation of, "Anyone but Romney".

So if the race is Obama versus Santorum, does this board then adopt a, "hold your nose and vote for Santorum" stance?

I feel that the voting for the republican as the lesser of the two evils is what got us into the mess we are in. They gave us socialism lite... instead of standing their ground and denouncing socialism.

I could never give support to a moral fascist like Santorum. At least with Obama in office the republicans will be against his policies. Unlike when Dubya was in power and the republicans went along with his increasing the budget for the Department of Education (for example). The same folks that were going to do away with the Department of Education.

Tom Sawyer


All you war mongering asshats transgress against "conservatism", "conservatism" used to embrace "non-interventionism".

Russell Kanning

I can't think of anyone on this board that would vote for a random rep vs obama