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Man Charged with DUI...On Shopping Cart

Started by Silent_Bob, June 18, 2013, 05:06 PM NHFT

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FAIRBANKS, Alaska - A 63-year-old man was pulled over and arrested for allegedly driving a motorized shopping cart while under the influence of alcohol.  A grocery store employee called police after seeing the suspect, Merrill Moses, drive into parking lot traffic. When an officer arrived at the scene, an employee was holding onto the cart so that Moses could not escape.

A preliminary test came back showing the suspect's breath-alcohol at about four times the legal limit. 

In addition to DUI, Moses was charged with shoplifting and refusing to take an official sobriety test.  His basket contained unpaid items including chocolate chip cookies and Betty Crocker cake mix.

According to the News-Miner, the suspect has a long criminal record including a previous DUI conviction, as well as convictions for domestic assault, drinking in public, open container, criminal trespass and theft.

Moses has apparently driven motorized shopping carts while intoxicated numerous times in the past and would attempt to run over any employee who tried to stop him.

The average speed of a motorized shopping cart is roughly 5 mph.