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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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LTE in Suncook Valley Sun

Started by MaineShark, September 13, 2006, 09:55 AM NHFT

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Quote from: MaineShark on September 17, 2006, 05:05 PM NHFT
Um, weren?t you complaining because I want Barnes out, which would be doing something?

And and yes, you're 'doing something' by wanting him out alright. You're helping us get an income tax. Just what NH DOESN'T need.

I suppose getting him out because he expressed his opinion in an LTE is more important though...   ::)


Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:12 PM NHFTYou know, I think your temper tantrums over my pointing out Barnes' anti-tax record arise from the fact that somehow you think just because Barnes is an anti-income tax crusader it invalidates your complaint  letter about the gasoline prices.

I?m having trouble finding one temper tantrum, let alone multiple.  Could you help me find it?  Was that when you insulted me in your first post in this thread, and yet I still simply and politely asked you to show me the evidence that supported your claim?

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTI'm sure that as a multi-millionaire business man it would not make sense that Barnes would be in favor of an income tax.
It also makes sense that he can pay for gas even if it's $5 per gallon so it doesn't even really affect him.

Yeah, that?s why Bush just demanded that Congress repeal the Federal income tax and shut down the IRS... Because every millionaire out there wants income taxation ended.

Hey, what was that I just heard?  I think it was George Soros praising Ayn Rand... ::)

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTI'm sure his knee-jerk reaction was due to being humanly concerned for those of us less wealthy and unable to pay $5 per gallon, and that he did not consider what his implied solution (if he offered one - did he?) really meant.

One does not ?knee-jerk? in a direction one is not already facing.

My ?knee-jerk? response to high gas prices is ?I wish it was easy to start my own gas station, so I could buy gas at wholesale for myself.?  I don?t face in the ?the answer to any problem is force of government? direction, like Barnes does.

And, as far as whether he ?implied? a solution... wake up and actually read his letter!  I mean, you just further invalidated your credibility by admitting that you didn?t even read his letter.  You just proved, right here-and-now, that you were having a ?knee-jerk? ?defend Barnes no matter what? reaction, because you clearly didn?t even bother to see what it was that he did, before jumping to his defense.  Ye gods, you couldn?t even take the time to scroll back and read it, before typing something that utterly ridiculous and entirely destructive to your own credibility?

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTSo what was his response to your letter? I hope you sent it directly to him to find out just what he was thinking.

He apparently elected not to respond.  And no, I didn?t waste paper, a stamp, and an envelope sending my letter to him, when he can easily read it in the local paper.

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTIt is not productive to be wasting energy arguing about it here while speculating just what it is he is thinking/advocating.

He was quite clear in what he was advocating, and the ability to refer to earning a profit as extortion (while lying and claiming that MW supports his use of the word, to boot) makes it clear what sort of anti-freedom mindset he has.  No one who can call the earning of a fair profit ?extortion? is even vaguely interested in letting you keep your money.  Only die-hard socialists use that kind of language.

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTIf I had a question/complaint, that's what I would do. Write him an email or pick up the phone and call him.

This is NH, after all..  ;)

Yeah, you probably would kowtow to a politician, wouldn?t you?  ?Please sir, I?ll do whatever you ask and compromise any principle, if you just side with me on this one issue!?  What, precisely, do you imagine that Barnes and I have to discuss?  As I?ve commented before... have you even researched his record?  You know, on anything other than taxes?  Anything at all?  Try it.  I know, it?s difficult to actually learn, rather than relying on prejudice, but give it a try for once.

If I lambaste Sarah Brady, are you going to demand that I call her and discuss my questions with her?  You can?t have a rational discussion with a nutcase...

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on September 17, 2006, 05:05 PM NHFT
Um, weren?t you complaining because I want Barnes out, which would be doing something?
And and yes, you're 'doing something' by wanting him out alright. You're helping us get an income tax. Just what NH DOESN'T need.

Says someone who has zero credibility.  I've been researching Corbin (you know, Barnes' actual opponent... not CS Porter...).  He's an idiot, too, but at least he has a poor attendance record...  And he claims he?d like to see gambling provide the added revenue.  Which Barnes opposes.

So where, precisely, is Barnes going to get the money?  Because he?s obviously big-government, through-and-through, so we know that he?s going to ?need? more money from the taxpayers.

?You know I tried my best to find another solution, and I?ve opposed the income tax in the past, but there really is no other way... I considered all options, but the only way we could get the added revenue was to institute this small income tax... I gave it my all, and rest assured that I?ll do my best to keep the tax small, if you re-elect me this next term.?

I don?t think anyone who has actually researched Barnes? record could doubt that he could say just that, and with a straight face.

Quote from: CNHT on September 17, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFTI suppose getting him out because he expressed his opinion in an LTE is more important though...   ::)

No, getting him out because of his dedicated anti-freedom record, is.  Have you even researched this guy?  No, you have this notion that he is the anti-tax messiah, and you refuse to even consider anything other than that one, single issue.



Are you surprised, Joe?  After all, her handle is "Coalition of NH Taxpayers"...   ::)


Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 18, 2006, 03:38 PM NHFT
Are you surprised, Joe?  After all, her handle is "Coalition of NH Taxpayers"...   ::)
I don't know what that has to do with anything.

Yes I have researched his record. I make it my business.


Quote from: MaineShark on September 17, 2006, 07:16 PM NHFT
And he claims he?d like to see gambling provide the added revenue. 


Revenue? As in 'taxpaying'? As in yet another government bureaucracy? I don't want to see that.
And yes we are a Coalition of NH Taxpayers who object to not only the amount of taxes we pay but often what this money is used for.

Not to mention that we are the true heroes of 'helping' people in NH in an ongoing fashion to fight something that a town or the state has done to wrong SOMEONE, 7 days a week, 52 weeks per year without aggrandizement, fanfare or help from whiners like y'all.


The pragmatism in politics is the number one reason we will Never get freedom through political means.  We are a small minority and it is so easy for to sacrifice something for something else bigger. 
Politicians trade baseball cards.  Except they are not trading willy mays, hank aaron, babe ruth; but rather self determination, tax rates, licensing and other permissions, how to educate your child, entitlements that are now seen as 'rights' and are fought over the way we fight over libertarian theory.


Quote from: CNHT on September 18, 2006, 04:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 18, 2006, 03:38 PM NHFTAre you surprised, Joe?  After all, her handle is "Coalition of NH Taxpayers"...   ::)
I don't know what that has to do with anything.

Yes I have researched his record. I make it my business.

Okay, other than the income tax issue, what pro-freedom stance has Barnes taken?  What anti-freedom stances?

Quote from: CNHT on September 18, 2006, 04:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on September 17, 2006, 07:16 PM NHFTAnd he claims he?d like to see gambling provide the added revenue.
Revenue? As in 'taxpaying'? As in yet another government bureaucracy? I don't want to see that.

No, gambling revenue.  As in 'people who are bad at math cough up money to educate the children, so they won't be bad at math.'

I'm not in favor of it, but at least he's prepared to offer something.  What, precisely, do you expect Barnes to do?
