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R.I.P., Jeff Cooper

Started by KBCraig, September 26, 2006, 05:53 PM NHFT

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Colonel Jeff Cooper passed away the afternoon of September 25, 2006. While decidedly not a pacifist, he believed in refraining from aggression. He was widely considered the father of modern pistolcraft and practical shooting, never afraid to adapt to new systems and techniques.

I'll let LawDog give the introduction to one of Cooper's classic pieces of writing, a 1975 essay on the folly of relying on government to protect you, and the natural (and horrible) consequences of a government that is actually strong enough to protect you and prevent crime.


Pat K

He sure seemed to be one of a kind.

I alway's agreed with his saying "people say violence begets violence, well yes and I hope to offer more violence in return then the other fellow was counting on".


I enjoyed reading his writing. I always figured that he was a Neoconservative though. He had some good points in his writing.



Godspeed to a true disciple of JMB.

Never Thirst.