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Contact list for NH media

Started by Dave Ridley, February 14, 2006, 12:37 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Here is my priority media contact list for New Hampshire.   Contacting these folks has borne fruit in the past (in some cases).  Don't let just one or two fo us be the only ones to use it!

WKXL radio in Concord

WMUR-TV Channel 9:  http://www.thewmurchannel.com/contact/index.html
603 669 9999 wmur

Concord Monitor: news@cmonitor.com
dan barrick (reporter) dbarrick@cmonitor.com 603 224 5301 x322  one monitor dr,  po box 1177  conc  03302-1177

NH public radio josh rogers staff reporter  concord  603 223 2456 jrogers@npr.org

Portsmouth Herald, mail to "Editor, Portsmouth Herald" E-mailt to Executive Editor Howard Altschiller at  haltschiller@seacoastonline.com  or E-mail to managing editor Shir Haberman at shaberman@seacoastonline.com

Keene Sentinel:  news@keenesentinel.com

WKBK radio: 
Dan Mitchell (talk show host) dmitchell@monadnockradiogroup.com

Union Leader  writeus@unionleader.com

Free Talk Live FTL@freetalklive.com - syndicated but airs in NH some days, they talk about NH about once per show on average.

New Hampshire Public TV http://www.nhptv.org/feedback/feedback.htm  TheMailBox@nhptv.org

New England Cable News
160 Wells Avenue
Newton, MA 02459
Telephone: (617) 630-5000
Fax: (617) 630-5057