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vermont to try to impeach bush

Started by traveler, February 06, 2006, 10:25 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Impeach Bush... and we get Cheney.

No, thanks...



Impeach the whole damn federal government ...

NH Secession!!!!!  :icon_thumleft:

Russell Kanning

Quote from: MaineShark on February 06, 2006, 07:16 PM NHFT
Impeach Bush... and we get Cheney.

No, thanks...

How many people do we have to impeach to get down to say ..... Ron Paul? :icon_drummer:
Then we still seceed! :icon_guitarist:

Lloyd Danforth

Throw them all in jail and keep them there 'till they can prove they didn't do anything wrong, then impeach them.

Ron Helwig

I still say that the street light poles in DC should be named after Congressmen  >:D

Dave Ridley

How about just chaining the congressment themselves to the poles?

Ron Helwig

Quote from: DadaOrwell on February 10, 2006, 12:29 AM NHFT
How about just chaining the congressment themselves to the poles?

with nooses?

Recumbent ReCycler

And replace him with whom?  Not Kerry I hope.  One thing about the libertarian party that I am concerned about, is that they don't put forward enough candidates for political office.  Was there a libertarian candidate for the last presidential election?  If so, then why was he not on my ballot, and why didn't I hear anything about him?  A lot of people seem to be pushing for the removal of Bush, but I haven't heard any ideas on who should replace him.  I know he's not perfect, but who thinks that we would be better off with Kerry or Dean?  To an uneducated observer, some of the folks who bash Bush, but claim to be libertarian, appear to be on the same side as the progressive socialists.  Who wants to be associated with them?  Not me.  I have studied the platforms of both of the major parties, and the NH Republican platform shares a lot in common with libertarian values.  Years ago, the progressive socialists infiltrated the democrat party and seem to have taken over.  Unfortunately there are some RINOs who do not go along with the platform.  I believe that libertarian minded folks would be able to gain the most political capital by becoming active in the republican party and working to make it more libertarian in nature.  I am libertarian in nature, but since I was a teenager (before I had hear of the libertarian party) , I have affiliated myself with the republican party.  After I moved to NH, I started going to Strafford County Republican meetings.  There are several there who hold libertarian beliefs, and several who don't.  A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine nominated me to the committee for a position as a voting committee member.  I was elected by unanimous vote, and am now a voting memeber of the comittee.  I am planning to run for Student Trustee at UNH this spring. 

Dave Ridley

republicans are less bad and I'm a republican BTW.  But not much less bad I'm afraid.  the best government is a divided one like in the 50s and 90s (our most prosperous decades) but how exactly do you go about voting for that?   sometimes it's totally unclear which vote is the vote for division.

I'm thrilled anytime someone stands up to the government without hurting any innocents, even if I disagree with them.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: Defender of Liberty on February 11, 2006, 01:38 AM NHFT
Was there a libertarian candidate for the last presidential election?  If so, then why was he not on my ballot, and why didn't I hear anything about him?

Assuming you were in NH during the election, the blame does sit fairly on the Libertarian party here. The guy running the show messed up, and he didn't get on the ballot here. IIRC.

Badnarik was on the ballot in almost all of the other states.

Not being on the ballot here, should he have spent any money advertising here?

Recumbent ReCycler

I think we need to get more organised.  I have already met one presidential candidate from the Republican party.  The 2 major parties are both actively working to get positioned for the 2008 election.  Today when I went to the Strafford County Republican Committee meeting, there was obviously some serious tension between the RINOs and the more libertarian and conservative members.  I think that if some more libertarian minded folks showed up to meetings every month, we would have a chance at moving the committee more toward the libertarian end of the political spectrum.  When someone misses a few meetings in a row, we get to vote to replace them.  When that happens, I would like to be able to nominate more libertarian type folks.