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Good story about letters to the editor

Started by sventola33, February 13, 2006, 06:31 PM NHFT

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So, I signed that pledge, and it reminded of something that happened recently. I

In case y'all aren't aware I currently live in Massachusetts.  There was an article in the Cape Cod Times(my hometown paper) about a three month long investigation into alleged drug dealing and subsequent arrest of four individuals and the seizure of THREE OUNCES of marijuana. Involved in the investigation were something like four or five municipalities, the Cape Cod Drug task force, and the State Police.

I was appalled by the waste of resources and wrote a scathing letter to the editor about law enforcement's waste of public resources and how the money would be better spent elsewhere. It was full of sarcasm, you know, thanking those involved for protecting me from "dangerous criminals." It was published and that was the end of it, or so I thought. This was in early January.

A week ago I found out that my letter was brought up at a meeting by the Cape Cod Drug Task force. I went to school with a guy who's in the Coast Guard and he told a good friend of mine that they were all pissed off at me and thought I was dealing drugs. He also said that they're out to get me and that I should be careful. It's a good thing that I don't live there anymore. :P

Nevertheless, it made my day to find that I had gotten under the skin of the pigs, and maybe made a couple of people question the war on drugs.

Dave Ridley

go gettem!  But yeah this kind of stuff will have twice the impact in new hampshire with our little "force multiplier" thing going on.