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Plz don't forget to look at the NHfree.com calendar weekly

Started by Dave Ridley, February 18, 2006, 12:00 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

That's pretty much all I had to say... The calendar is becoming a heck of a powerful resource and the more of you keep an eye on it the more powerful it will be.  if all you do at NHfree.com is look at that calendar from time to time and show up or otherwise support some of the activities there....that takes very little time and is worth its weight in gold!



Is there a way that we could have it emailed to everyone once a week?

Lloyd Danforth

Thinkin with all the time I spend on these forums,  should hear about every event, without look'in at the calendar

Kat Kanning

Did you hear about the surprise party we're throwing for Lloyd?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: aries on February 18, 2006, 12:24 PM NHFT
What about
http://www.nhlibertycalendar.org/ ?
That one is Jane's and is useful, but many of the events on there are not helpful to me since they are political in nature. :)