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Houston police chief wants cameras in homes

Started by KBCraig, February 18, 2006, 11:48 AM NHFT

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I found this on the Texas CHL forum:


The first comment is by Charles Cotton, who owns that site and is a lawyer.



Police chief wants surveillance cameras in Houston apartments

HOUSTON Houston's police chief is suggesting putting surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown streets and even private homes.

Chief Harold Hurtt today said it's another way of combatting crime amid a shortage of officers.

Houston is dealing with too many police retirements, too few recruits and a population increase of about 150-thousand hurricane refugees.

Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf coast in late August.

Rita hit southeast Texas about one month later.

The Houston City Council is considering a public safety tax to pay for more officers.

Scott Henson with the American Civil Liberties Union calls Hurtt's proposal to require surveillance cameras as part of some building permits -- "radical and extreme."

Houston Mayor Bill White hasn't talked with Hurtt about his idea, but sees it as more of a "brainstorm" than a "decision."


Houston Mayor Bill White hasn't talked with Hurtt about his idea, but sees it as more of a "brainstorm" than a "decision."

Sounds more like a "brain fart" to me!


It would be a lot easier to enforce the law if there were cameras in peoples homes less laws.



If Officer Hurtt has nothing to hide the first camera can go in his house.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on February 19, 2006, 10:53 AM NHFT
If Officer Hurtt has nothing to hide the first camera can go in his house.

Possession of six or more dildos is defined as "distributing obscene devices", a felony in Texas. Surely Chief Hurrt has nothing to hide, and won't mind if we search his bedroom.

Y'all should check the responses on the TexasCHLforum link I provided. They're not too happy.


Dave Ridley

Free talk live did a segment on this last week too. It's just like the Telescreens from Orwell's 1984!



Surveillance Cameras To Monitor Santa Monica Promenade, Pier

POSTED: 7:56 am PST February 15, 2006
UPDATED: 8:16 am PST February 15, 2006

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade is the latest public place that will soon apparently be under the watchful eye of police surveillance cameras.

Tuesday night the Santa Monica City Council has given the green light for a new video surveillance system at the 3rd Street Promenade and the Santa Monica Pier.

The video cameras will monitor areas visited by thousands of people.