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a question for you IT people

Started by traveler, February 25, 2006, 07:30 AM NHFT

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              I know there are a lot of IT folks on this board and I am wondering if someone could tell me the best way to get 'listed' on search engines regarding a specific topic. ???The topic is kind of obscure,so there are not many results shown when searched.Any help would be appreciated .Thanks.

Kat Kanning

On many of the search engines, you can list yourself in a certain category.  On your web page, you can put keywords in the header.  For example, here is the tag the FSP uses to list keywords:

<meta name="keywords" content="Liberty, libertarian, libertarianism, freedom,
porcupine, federalism, competitive federalism, constitution, bill of rights,
gun rights, drug war, tax reform, homeschooling, educational freedom, property
rights, alternative marriage freedom, 20000, New Hampshire, Condorcet voting" />

Then the search engines can pick up on those keywords.  Also, the more people who link to your site, the higher on the list your site will come up on search engines.


I read somewhere that meta tags are on the downswing. I looked up the wikipedia entry on meta tags which addresses that. You can read the entry here.


I read somewhere that the meta tags must be relevant to the actual page, meaning if a word or phrase is used as a meta tag, it must appear on the actual page, otherwise the search engines are apt to ignore it.