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Time to Boycott Big Businesses that Benefit from Eminent Domain Takings

Started by hamptoninsider, February 08, 2005, 07:31 AM NHFT

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Nationwide Corporate shareholders need to have their Corporate Boards of Directors to cease and desist all real estate negotiation with municipalities involving eminent domain land takings.? Every liberty loving consumer in America should decide to take one week a month and only buy from the local mom & pop retailers their weekly provisions.? What gladhanding politicians fail to realize is that locally spent dollars stay in their communities and have a far greater impact on local economies than the money spent through national big box retailers.? Wallmart, Costco, Sam's Club, and the New York Times are all benefiting from eminent domain land takings.

Also when writing checks to municipalities and utilities writing legibly in check memos is a constant reminder to local municipalities that they are being held accountable.

Steve Forbes of Forbes Magazine is against eminent domain abuse, on the other hand D. Trump attempted to have a senior citizens home taken(and failed) for limo parking next to one of his bankrupt casinos.? hhmmm justice ....... should not be for only those who can afford $200 - 600 hr in legal fees to defend their property rights.? ?

Lloyd Danforth

I agree with you about the boycott, although, I don't think it will have much effect.
Making it impossible tom conduct business on the site stolen thru eminent domain might work, but, it would require stealth and endurance.
Are their actual examples of emenent domain abuses in Hampton?  I understand that this is impossible under NH law.

Kat Kanning

Yes, it would be interesting to find out if there are any businesses here in NH who have taken property via eminent domain and are now doing business on it.

Russell Kanning

I keep hearing that places like Wal-mart use insider political deals to acquire property, but I haven't seen any proof. Usually Wal-mart buys property years before they ever need it.

Russell Kanning

If we are calling on boycotting, shouldn't we be sure which companies are actually doing the evil deeds?

Lloyd Danforth

Russell, I have heard of a case where Wallmart  used eminent domain to have someone's house removed to increase their parking lot.
What I want to know is, if any community in New Hampshire has used eminent domain to take property from one privite entity and made it available to another.


Targeting the worst offenders with protests in NH might have an effect. Embarassment can be a strong tool.  ;)

Kat Kanning


QuoteBut the institute's report also contained some good news for property owners: "The best states [to avoid condemnation of property] are Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, South Dakota and Wyoming, none of which had any reported eminent domain for private use."

Kat Kanning


Quote from: katdillon on February 08, 2005, 10:31 AM NHFT
There is this case from Institute for Justice:


But this case does not involve eminent domain. It is an entirely different situation, albeit a grievous one.

Russell Kanning

I like Lloyds idea of going to the actual location instead of just boycotting. If we get wind of something like this in Hampton, we could be all over it. :)
How about this idea?....we go down to New London, CT and help get the word out for those peoples case that is going to the Supreme Court. The FSP did a "shadow ad" already and we could back up our support in person. We could also repay Lloyd for all his trips to NH. :)
Party at Lloyd's place. 8)

Russell Kanning