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Neocons Dismember the CIA

Started by BillyC, May 09, 2006, 06:27 PM NHFT

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As speculated here over the weekend, the impending appointment of General Michael Hayden to the CIA will translate into the wholesale dismemberment of the agency in favor of the Pentagon conducting ?paramilitary operations? (i.e., subverting governments around the world). ?A senior intelligence community official yesterday said the director of national intelligence, John Negroponte, has indicated ?he is willing to give up covert operations to the Pentagon,?? reports the New York Sun. ?The proposed change would give the Pentagon unfettered authority to plan and conduct these operations without consulting an intelligence bureaucracy its civilian leaders have deemed hostile to the president?s war policy,? a completely natural opposition since the operations of the Straussian neocons are quite dangerous and insane.

Meanwhile, according to Ken Rudin of NPR, the ?prospect of putting a military guy in charge of a civilian agency, especially when Hayden and other U.S. intelligence officials are embroiled in the domestic spying controversy, has angered a lot of people on Capitol Hill, including some Republicans,? not that this particularly matters, as the neocons perched on the White House roost get pretty much whatever they want. Bush should be sitting in the hoosegow at the Hague, awaiting a war crimes tribunal, and the neocons should be paraded before the cameras in orange jumpsuits, but instead they are allowed to walk around free. Obviously, since many Americans don?t think it is a big deal for a president to tell lies and then kill between 100,000 and 250,000 Iraqis and violate the Constitution in regard to a massive snoop campaign?a campaign orchestrated in part by General Hayden?they are not likely to complain about his appointment to the CIA and the shuffling of covert operations to the Pentagon. Senator John ?Skull & Bones? Kerry may believe appointing Hayden is indiscreet, as a handful other Congress critters on both sides of the aisle do, but this will amount to little more than a small hurdle for the Bush administration.

Pentagon covert ops have left the CIA in the dust for some time. ?The Defense Department is building up an elite secret army with resources stretching across the full spectrum of covert capabilities. New organizations are being created. The missions of existing units are being revised,? William Arkin wrote for the Los Angeles Times in 2002. ?The increasingly dominant role of the military, Pentagon officials say, reflects frustration at the highest levels of government with the performance of the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies and much of the burgeoning homeland security apparatus. It also reflects the desire of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to gain greater overall control of the war on terror?. insulated from outside pressures, armed with matchless weapons and technology, trained to operate below the shadow line, the Pentagon?s black world of classified operations holds out the hope of swift, decisive action in a struggle against terrorism that often looks more like a family feud than a war.?

Arkin, a former military analyst (who recently defended Rumsfeld after Ray McGovern called him a liar), needs a bit of translation: the Pentagon really does not believe the CIA and the ?intelligence community? at large are ineffectual performers?the neocons in the Pentagon simply want to consolidate power and stage manage all aspects of the rechristened Long War. Moreover, ?the Pentagon?s black world of classified operations? is not designed to hold ?out the hope of swift, decisive action in a struggle against terrorism,? but rather stretch the ?struggle? out indefinitely and in the process, as the Straussians have long dreamed, transform society into a fascist juggernaut where plebs sacrifice their lives as the average German did under the rule of Hitler and his nihilistic minions.

Nobody can say they didn?t see all of this coming?or at least those who pay attention cannot make this claim. Back in January of last year, the CIA?s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, noted the Pentagon was ?expanding into the CIA?s historic bailiwick? and creating ?a new espionage arm? with ?broad authority over clandestine operations abroad.? Rumsfeld unleashed the Strategic Support Branch (SSB), originally known as Project Icon, and specifically tasked it to compete with the CIA and ?operate without detection and under the defense secretary?s direct control.? SSB began its work soon after nine eleven in Iraq, Afghanistan and ?other places? civilian participants (i.e., neocons) ?declined to name,? although ?an early planning memorandum to Rumsfeld from Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? shifted the ?focus of the intelligence initiative? (read: subversion) on ?emerging target countries such as Somalia, Yemen, Indonesia, Philippines and Georgia.? Soon after the appearance of this memo, Georgia experienced a ?color? revolution, nudged along by USAID, the onetime CIA ?humanitarian? organization. It probably should not come as a surprise USAID Assistant Administrator Michael Hess believes it is essential that USAID develop ?an operational link with the military on how to better coordinate strategic goals,? in other words overthrow governments.

Once upon a time, the Secretary of Defense was limited to tasks associated with imminent combat, but no more. Now the Pentagon, grabbing up ?reprogrammed funds? that fall outside the oversight of congressional appropriations, is in the process of waging its own covert operations minus congressional oversight?or rather the covert operations of the neocons ensconced in the dark and deep recesses of the Pentagon. According to the holy warrior William G. Boykin, Rumsfeld ?actually has more responsibility to collect intelligence [and subvert other countries] for the national foreign intelligence program ? than does the CIA director,? thus rendering the CIA an anachronism.

Some may call all of this a new and creative way to fight terrorism?never mind that the terrorism in question was created by a fetid panoply of intelligence organizations.

I?d call it a Straussian coup d??tat in slow motion.