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R.I.P., Paul Eells

Started by KBCraig, August 05, 2006, 04:04 AM NHFT

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This really hasn't made the news outside of Arkansas, but that's part of what makes it personal.

Paul Eells, KATV Sports Director and "Voice of the Razorbacks" for 27 years, died in a car crash Tuesday night. His memorial service was Friday.

This was one of those cases where everyone loved him, but didn't realize that everyone else loved him too. The KATV website normally has 10-20 comments on a very hot topic. The last time I checked tonight, the main article about Paul Eells' death had 475 comments, not to mention several hundred on the various articles about the memorial service, plus the articles about the other driver who also died.

I never met Paul Eells. But I loved him. I didn't know how many people felt the same. He was the best sportscaster in the business, both on radio and television. No one has ever uttered an unkind word about him in public, and only after his death do I learn how active he was in his church.

Throughout the state, or wherever Hogs fans might be, it was traditional to mute the television and tune in the radio, to hear Paul's play-by-play on the Arkansas Razorback Sports Network. When Jefferson Pilot Sports provided regional coverage, we got to hear him live, and it was always a treat.

Arkansas is a state with one major university; if you're from there, or live there, you are a Razorbacks fan. Likewise, it's a one-sportscaster state. Even if you're not a Hogs fan, you would appreciate Paul Eells' skill from the broadcast booth, his obvious love of the games, and his unabashed favortism towards the Cardinal & White.

As much as I despise Arkansas politics (and long to move to New Hampshire), I still feel a strong affinity for the state. Only the death of my own mother could do more to cut the ties than the death of Paul Eells.

"Oh, My! Touchdown, Arkansas!"
