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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Al Gore calls for a tax shift...

Started by FrankChodorov, July 23, 2006, 07:32 PM NHFT

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Quote from: FrankChodorov on July 27, 2006, 08:34 AM NHFT
in the case of global warming it is not "money for nothing"...

it is compensation for being subjected to negative externalities which violate your right of self-ownership.

Stop trying to socialize freedom. And no one cares what Jason said. He isn't an authority on global warming.

And we are here to make NH the best it can be, not impose more rules as you would have them under 'your system'.


Quote from: FrankChodorov on July 27, 2006, 08:08 AM NHFT
QuoteI don't think the hurricaines are our fault

not our fault for their origins but our fault for the increased frequency and intensity...

God what crackpot statement are you going to make next?

Admit it, you are a rabid green socialist.


Quoteabout trying to get people to see that only your way is correct, a very dangerous thing for liberty indeed.

not "my way"...

the way of the founder of the Boston Tea Party - Thomas Knapp
the way of the founder of the Libertarian Reform Caucus - Carl Milsted
the way of the founder of the Free State Project - Jason Sorens
the way of the founder of the Libertarian Party - David Nolan
the way of the Dean of the Chicago School - Milton Friedman


Quote from: FrankChodorov on July 27, 2006, 11:01 AM NHFT
Quoteabout trying to get people to see that only your way is correct, a very dangerous thing for liberty indeed.

not "my way"...

the way of the founder of the Boston Tea Party - Thomas Knapp
the way of the founder of the Libertarian Reform Caucus - Carl Milsted
the way of the founder of the Free State Project - Jason Sorens
the way of the founder of the Libertarian Party - David Nolan
the way of the Dean of the Chicago School - Milton Friedman

Knapp is a nobody, Carl Milsted is an author with an opinion just like the rest of us, Jason is just exploring, David Nolan has said NO SUCH THING, and Milton Friedman? I also doubt it.

By the way, don't elevate yourself to the level of supposedly 'famous' people Frank...because this puts you in the category of megalomania.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: FrankChodorov on July 27, 2006, 11:01 AM NHFT
the way of the Dean of the Chicago School - Milton Friedman

Friedman is best known in the liberty community for making mistakes.  For example, when he told the government to do federal income tax withholding.


Jane, Jane, Jane...

Put down the crackpot pipe. Just say 'No': push the ignore button. Life is so much better this way!



If you have some time, you should take a listen to Penn Jillette interviewing Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace.

Quite informative.


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 27, 2006, 06:28 AM NHFT
I think we should encourage it.  Maybe I can start a "Global Warming Project" or something like that to figure out ways to accelerate the process.  The earth is far too cold as it is.  Historically, we're just coming out of an ice age.


Yeah. I for one would like to have longer growing seasons and cheeper food.
