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Started by cathleeninnh, August 07, 2006, 01:39 PM NHFT

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I know Seth won't post it here, but he did over on that other forum and it IS worth reading.




To see it in action, you only need to browse the newsgrops alt.philosophy.objectivism and humanities.philosophy.objectism.

I call myself a small-o objectivist, and want nothing to do with the Big O Randroids and ARIans.

A smarmy pseudo-intellectual atmosphere pervades those groups. The prevailing attitude is, "I am a logical individual guided by Reason, and since you have reached a different conclusion than I about the issue, then you are illogical and unreasonable."

Things could have changed since the last time I unsubscribed from those newsgroups, but I doubt it. Over the years, every time I've tried going back and reading them again, I would find the same arguments, ad nauseum.



The group dynamics applies to all.
