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i want to get out of here please help me!

Started by Francisck, September 15, 2006, 04:40 PM NHFT

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Today my girlfriend said that her mother not letting her talk to me is to much and shes not sure if the relationship is wroth it....
i'm not sure what to do she has kept me going with everything im not sure why im not sure what i would do with out her

everyone here things im weird because of what i believe the call me stupid or weird i dont really care anymore but i want to move leave anything and everything behind for a second i though my girlfriend would not do this to me but she was truthfully the only thing keeping me here, i want to move but i can't i'm not sure what to do.... i want to go to new hampshire and start fresh and new..but i guess i just can't.....


#1 how old are you

B) come to college here (I assume you havent reached this stage in your life yet)


I am 15 i don't know what to do i want to go to new hampshire :(


Ive really been thinking about that and i really think that's a good idea, i want to. ill  try to see what kind of job i can get.

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Francisck on September 15, 2006, 04:40 PM NHFT
Today my girlfriend said that her mother not letting her talk to me is to much and shes not sure if the relationship is wroth it....
i'm not sure what to do she has kept me going with everything im not sure why im not sure what i would do with out her

everyone here things im weird because of what i believe the call me stupid or weird i dont really care anymore but i want to move leave anything and everything behind for a second i though my girlfriend would not do this to me but she was truthfully the only thing keeping me here, i want to move but i can't i'm not sure what to do.... i want to go to new hampshire and start fresh and new..but i guess i just can't.....

It sounds like a tough situation your in. I remember being 15 and feeling like I had no control over my life and adulthood was so far away.  Someone suggested getting a job to save money, another suggested planning on going to college in NH. Both of those suggestions could help you to have something to work on and look forward to. 

When you are going through tough times it can help a lot to keep busy or get busy.  You might consider getting involved in local politics, or something at school that interests you.  About being weird, I can tell you that being weird and thinking for yourself is something to be proud of.  As an adult in the real working world thinking outside of the box is a very important trait to have so keep it up.

My thoughts are --
Try to give yourself time to figure out some things or activities that interest you and give them a try. Read, read, read and learn as much as you can.  Maybe, join a theatre company, they love weirdos like you and I (I know..I'm weird). Concentrate on getting great grades and look forward to college in NH. Save tons of money, maybe save for a car and sign up for drivers ed!

In life there are problems that we can do something about and there are problems that we can't do anything about. The most difficult are the ones that we can't do anything about and it is very hard to let go.

I hope that you can work through this challenging situation and I'd love to hear about your plans to keep youself busy and moving forward.



I am in a performing arts school there is a drama program, but i am in tv/film i like to edit and work with anything that has to do with technology thus i keep busy that way, but when i'm at home and have nothing to do but web desing it kinda gets to me.

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Francisck on September 15, 2006, 09:43 PM NHFT
I am in a performing arts school there is a drama program, but i am in tv/film i like to edit and work with anything that has to do with technology thus i keep busy that way, but when i'm at home and have nothing to do but web desing it kinda gets to me.

Cool, technology in TV and Film is cool....Could you expand this interest into an afterschool activity or some type of job or community service? Do you have a local public access channel? If you do you could offer to work or volunteer at the studio..... What do you think?