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Started by mlorrey, September 20, 2006, 09:34 PM NHFT

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As some of you know, the US Mint, last thursday, came out with a statement declaring the Liberty Dollar illegal and NORFED federal criminals, despite the Mint having absolutely no enforcement authority. They refused to disclose who at the Justice Department authorized them to make such a claim.

We at The International Libertarian have been leading the coverage of this story, which you can read here:

All of these stories, particularly the last, which is newest, needs your help in voting for it at digg and reddit, for which there are links to at the end of each story.


you have " at the end of each of your links making them invalid...once I cut and paste and get rid of the " they work again...

Dave Ridley

Thanks for posting this Mike and welcome back to the NHfree.com forums.