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liberty dollar class?

Started by Francisck, September 15, 2006, 06:27 PM NHFT

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Like i did with the power point i wanted to try something like that with the liberty dollar i was going to start by asking

"does anyone know how much gold backing there is behind this one dollar bill i have in my hand"

Also maybe

"who here thinks that this "liberty dollar" is illegal?"

and then

"this is not illegal because..."

what do you guys think?

Ron Helwig

I was thinking that some sort of Flash based "game" showing how FRN banking works compared to how LD banking would work could be a help.

Show what happens when you deposit $100 FRN in a bank (bank now has $100 in reserves and can lend out $10,000).
Show what happens when you deposit $100 LD in a bank (bank now has $100 in reserves and can lend out $100 - but has to be aware that depositor can withdraw).
Show what happens when you deposit $100 LD in a CD in a bank (bank now has $100 in reserves and can lend out $100 for the duration of the CD's term; then revert to "regular" deposit scenario).


hmm, maybe you should help me with that i just want to explain to my class mates how fiat currentcy is a bad idea, but im afraid that they go home and they tell there parents and i get "why are you telling the students this!!"


Quote from: Francisck on September 16, 2006, 09:19 AM NHFT
hmm, maybe you should help me with that i just want to explain to my class mates how fiat currentcy is a bad idea, but im afraid that they go home and they tell there parents and i get "why are you telling the students this!!"

Because it's true? If you let somebody's uninformed opinion stand in your way, you are going to have a very bad time of it.

Know what's true and stand behind it, and let other people think whatever they will.


I agree i just think that i'm going to get in trouble for all my "Freedom" speaking but if that's the case i will make such a big deal about it, everyone will hear about this. also any more ideas?

Kat Kanning

Francisck, if you want a good general book about fiat money, etc. read Whatever Happened to Penny Candy.   My daughter and I really liked it.


Wow okay, i just really want to explain to my class why government is bad

Kat Kanning


Kat Kanning


If you go to Laissez-Faire books in San Francisco, they'd likely have it also.  (you are in the SF area, no?)


Laissez-Faire books moved from San Francisco to Little Rock, Arkansas about 2 years ago.

Kat Kanning


I'm totaly far from that im in new jersey lol


Quote from: GCG199 on September 16, 2006, 08:16 PM NHFT
Laissez-Faire books moved from San Francisco to Little Rock, Arkansas about 2 years ago.

Get out! Talk about frying pan to fire!

As hopelessly socialist as SF is, at least they have a sense of freedom for individualism (within their narrow scope of "acceptable differentness"). But LR is the center of Arkansas's rapid downward spiral into a curious blend that I can only call "Republican leftism".

Arkansas, like much of the South, is trying to prove themselves as "the New South", progressive, rather than mired in the past. And so, they have very conservative social norms, but an exploding statist mentality when it comes to taxes, schools, health, etc.

I like Mike, but he's about as "conservative" as is GWB, whom he hopes to succeed as President.
