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Pot Rally in Boston!!

Started by d_goddard, August 22, 2006, 02:58 PM NHFT

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Thanks Lloyd for posting the summary!

As I arrived, Matt alterted me to a minor emergency: we had a big banner on stage, but none at our table. I embarked on a 45-minute odeyssey around central Boston, sprinting from one closed Kinko's to another, 'till finally I found one, downloaded FSP logos off the website and printed 'em. The result is not as professional as I'd like (see the photos); on the other hand, we had pro-quality branding on the mainstage, and a many many people stopped by to ask what we're all about.

Jon and Dave each did an awesome job chatting with folks, converting questioning onlookers into allies. You guys rock.
I wish so bad that we had video of Rocketman/Matt... he spend a solid minute and a half on the maintage talking up the FSP, then launched the bright green flying discs into the crowd. I wandered thru the crowd and gave out at least 200 KFP-MA copies :)

I was amazed and frankly unprepared for how many people were there from NH. Only one of the dozen-plus people from NH who stopped by our table had ever heard of the FSP. I think 2-3 people knew about the KFP. None had heard of the NHLA; I gave the NHLA website to all NH residents.

Moral of the story: at any event in surrounding states, be sure and have some NHLA schwag in case they want to help us on the political front. And of course, I SHOULD have brought NHFree.com schwag and FTL schwag. We have so much great product! :D

Pics in next post.

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You mean schwag?   ;D

edit: ooh looky, he fixed it



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And more

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Last ones

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Kat Kanning



Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 18, 2006, 01:21 PM NHFT
Wow, Lloyd was smiling!
It's not his fault! I forced him to smile, with a covert operation!  :icon_pirat:


Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 18, 2006, 01:21 PM NHFT
Wow, Lloyd was smiling!

My thought as well . . . I'm thinking why is Lloyd so happy at this event?   :-X

Thanks for doing this guys - YOU ROCK!
(Next year I'll try to plan ahead better and be there with you.)

Kat Kanning

Did you notice, though, how even when Lloyd is smiling, his mouth is still turned downwards.


Maybe he's just trying not to let us know he's having a good time?
He has that right!  And, I won't question him.   ;D

Lloyd Danforth

I was grimacing smiling on purpose for effect