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How much are your congressional reps paying their staff?

Started by JonM, September 21, 2006, 03:46 PM NHFT

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The two reps from NH have 34 and 36 rows on that database, most of the reps from MA have 40-60 . . .

My senators 47 for Kennedy (one at 80k, one at 79k) and 78 for Kerry (51k, 54k and 60k).

41 for Gregg (one at 77k) and 38 for Sununu (nobody over 50k).

All others under 50k.  Some quite far under.


Anyone making under 50k in DC is essentially a volunteer.

Of course, not all those staffers work in DC. All senators and reps maintain home offices. Sometimes they maintain more than one; my rep (Ralph Hall, R-TX) has an office at his home base (Rockwall), and a second in Texarkana. Those offices are over 150 miles apart. It's a big district!


Also when I lived in DC I knew tons of people who worked 'on the Hill'.
There are a ton of 'entry level' jobs of college age students who work a ton of hours because it is 'cool'.


Also, those salaries are only for six months -- you have to double them to get the yearly pay.