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7 weeks of fear mongering - - opportunity to get the word out about the FSP

Started by JonM, September 20, 2006, 10:43 AM NHFT

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Listening to WRKO 680 on the way into work, John DePetro is starting to bang the drum of what might to come if Deval wins in November.  Free Staters who live within range of that signal should call in to promote the FSP.  The same goes for Howie Carr in the afternoon.  He at least is somewhat aware of the FSP, but I believe he is rather dismissive of it at the moment.


From what I've heard, Carr's show bites.  Boring, political name dropping, New England Rush wannabe.  The only thing he has going for him is the Chumpline.

Russell Kanning


Howie talks much about fleeing Massachusetts.  In the this time when we have just speculation on what Deval might do if elected we have a chance to tell people we want to attract where to flee.  He has a fairly large audience, some of whom we would like to have join us.

If someone comes up with a good soundbite for the chumpline, he might use it frequently.


I haven't listened to him much but he's also worth calling into during this time.

Jay Severin might be good too, but dammit if he isn't on at the same time as FTL!

Kat Kanning


Personally I'd rather the massholes stay in Mass.  We have far too many people already who move to NH from Mass because of taxes and over reaching government, then they turn around and push for all the things they had back in Mass that lead to the high taxes and over reaching government.


There are also Libertarians in Mass.  We want them to join the FSP, well the ones who want to DO stuff, rather than just bitch.


All I've pretty much heard Carr do on-air is fawn over Bush and Mitt Romney.   :P


Y'all, Jon is sensing a great opportunity.
Think about it this way: MANY people become libertarians (and even anarchocapitalists) when they realize the Republicans don't deliver on their "small-government" rhetoric.
PLUS, the Democrats are strong right now -- so, the democrats are in the throes of "our guys are going to take over! wheee!" -- the same place the Republicans were in 7 years ago.
The people who self-identify as "Republicans" simply for not having been exposed to libertarianism are right now feeling disenfranchised BOTH by the party in power, AND by the growing realization that the power is about to get handed to the "other" guys -- the ones whose rhetoric doesn't even do lip-service to "small overnment".

if you want to recruit new people... your best bet is the disaffected Republicans in states neighboring NH. Like, for example, Mass.

Jon, you're canny for realizing this. If I get bandwidth or any inspired ideas, I'll ping you.
Till then, I hope other support your effort. It's a worthy one.


Quote from: d_goddard on September 20, 2006, 01:01 PM NHFT
Think about it this way: MANY people become libertarians (and even anarchocapitalists) when they realize the Republicans don't deliver on their "small-government" rhetoric.

That's me.