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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Russell in Claire Wolfes blog

Started by Pat K, September 24, 2006, 12:18 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Russell was mentioned in Claire wolfs blog, about the interview he did with the Pickett line.http://www.sniggle.net/Experiment/index.php?entry=19Sep06&showyear=2006

Michael Fisher


This is on my myspace under "who I'd like to meet" It links to a google search for Russell Kanning.  Well said Russell.

Russell Kanning

I think I got that from Gandhi or someone..... or I was mixing 3 different people's quotes into one. :)

Hey ..... whatever happened to that Claire Wolfe person? Is she ready to rejoin the revolution?

So Roycerson .... when will I meet you? Where do you live? :)


Hard to say.  Part of me says whenever I can figure out how to support myself in NH while continuing to not pay income tax.  Then again I've directly recruited 4 people I know and my warped tour stops yielded 6 more FSP members so I'm thinking since to the best of my knowledge I'm the only person actively recruiting in the OKC and KC areas I might be of better use right here for awhile.  Whenever it is.  It won't be soon enough.  I'm yet to meet an FSP member I didn't recruit.

My address is still Oklahoma City but for the last several months and for several to come I'll be spending most of my time in Kansas City.

Kat Kanning

We're driving through that area in a couple months. Maybe we can get together.
