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"Monadnock Tales"

Started by John, September 30, 2006, 07:45 AM NHFT

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From The Salem Observer:

Historical Society hosts talk on Monadnock

Edie Clark, contributing editor to Yankee, will be guest speaker of the Salem Historical Society on Tuesday, Oct. 10.  The meeting is at 7:30 p.m., at the Old Town Hall Museum, 310 Main St., Salem.
Her talk, titled "Monadnock Tales," will give the audience insight into this mountain, the second-most climbed mountain after Mt. Fuji.  Mt. Monadnock is a state icon, a natural wonder and source of inspiration for poets, musicians and artists.  The lore and legend of the mountain lends it a distinct personality that is the subject both of this program and a book, "Monadnock Tales," written by Clark in collaboration with composer larry Siegel.  The program is sponsorded by a grant from the NH Humanities Council.  This is also sponsored by B&H Oil, Thomas and Beverly Connell, George Merril, and Ron and Betty Olderman.
The event is free.  Light refreshments will be served and new members are welcome.  For more information, call 898-0842.