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Started by d_goddard, November 14, 2006, 01:09 PM NHFT

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Several State Rep races were very close -- in one case, off by only ONE VOTE!
There will be recounts on Wednesday morning. We need people to observe and make sure the State officials know how to count.

The call for volunteers comes from Ed Naile, head of the Coalition of New Hampshire Coalition of Taxpayers:
Quote from: Ed naileWe need all available bodies. Some of the teams may get done early if it is an early easy count for them so they can help count others The end is where the disputed counts matter. When you go over the thrown out ballots.

TIME: 9:30 AM
( Google Map)

There are several recounts worth observing, here are the most critical:

Room 301-303    (6 teams) - Rockingham Dist. 4  (Salem, Windham)
Jason Bedrick, 8 votes ahead (0.2% )
This is a good guy, NHLA-endorsed. We need every GOOD person in the House we can keep.

Room 302-304  (2 teams) - Rockingham Dist. 11 (East Kingston, Newton)
Mary Allen, 1 vote ahead
Mary Allen is also a Good One, MHLA-endorsed. We need to keep her.

If you can be there, please do! It would also be appreciated if you can let Ed know you'll be present:
Ed Naile: enaile (at) gsinet.net


Anyone from the Manchester area who wants to share a ride tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov 14
email or call me at 670-2022

Thanks ..

muni .

Dave Ridley

40% chance i can make it to one of these two above.


0% chance for me I have a deadline at work :(