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The Muslims Are Right...

Started by Objectivist, November 27, 2006, 12:30 AM NHFT

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The Muslims Are Right

A poem by
Brandon Cropper

The Muslims are right,
Just examine their ways
And you?ll see that they?re properly frightened;
The Muslims see clearly the threats to their culture,
For the West is a culture Enlightened.

While they tout religion and dogma and prayer,
And their youth memorize the Koran,
The West has its science and reason and freedom,
And the sovereign rights of man.

Islam preaches faith and belief -
The oldest saw in all history.
The West created the hypothesis,
And our science reveals every mystery.

Islam offers the altruist ethic:
Sacrifice they call virtue.
Jefferson immortalized our sacred phrase:
Its happiness man should pursue.

Islam claims that Sharia Law
Applies everywhere on the planet.
?Behead unbeliever!? they shout in a rage,
?Submit infidels to the gamut!?

But the West won?t give up -
We?ve come way too far
To submit to primordial beasts.
We will not regress to their ancient and dreary
Cannibalistic feast.

They spend more time praying
Than we spend at playing;
We work while they kneel in the mosque.
What will they get for their prayers when its over?
Nothing! They?ll see that they?ve lost.

Who will win this round?
Freedom, or Islam?
The West won before this began:
No more religion, hatred, contrition,
For we?ve found the Rights of Man.

The End

Lloyd Danforth