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So I was in Amherst's town hall . . .

Started by JonM, February 02, 2007, 01:14 PM NHFT

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Sitting at their computer looking up recent property sales they had not yet uploaded to the appraiser's website.  An older gentleman walks in and is complaining to the people in the office that the guy in the lot next to his is cutting down a ton of trees.  He is somewhat upset about this and would like to know what the town can do to stop the guy, citing the fact that these trees are near Baboosic lake and there may be some regulation or other that should prevent him from what the gentleman described as "clearcutting" all the trees.

The very nice ladies in the town hall explained to him that there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.  The gentleman asked if the nice ladies in the town hall could perhaps call someone in the state government.  They told them that if he as a citizen wished to call the state government about this, he could give it a try, but if they were to call on behalf of the town, the state would ignore them.

Now, I kind of really like lots of trees.  I'd rather not see them cut down myself.  In fact, this gentleman related (with some regret in his voice) that at one point he had to buy a parcel of land next to his to prevent a bunch of condos from going up on it.  He got it then, a bit sad that he didn't seem to get it now.  Either way, I was rather heartened by the response of the nice ladies working for the town.


Next time take the gentleman aside and explain communism vs. the free-market to him.
Maybe hand him an FTL flyer -- I'll give you some of my extra ones, I always carry them for just such an emergency  :icon_pirat:


Quote from: d_goddard on February 02, 2007, 01:57 PM NHFT
Next time take the gentleman aside and explain communism vs. the free-market to him.
Maybe hand him an FTL flyer -- I'll give you some of my extra ones, I always carry them for just such an emergency  :icon_pirat:

They are most likely cutting the trees to expose the view, so they can tax him on it from his property!


Heh. I was going to say that he should be grateful, because a cut-over lot should reduce his view tax.  ;)


There's always tree leases, too.

I got a little anxious when one of my neighbors cleared most of her land, particularly the white pines.  Not to mention a number of trees that turned out to be on my property due to a misrouted fence.