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Hello to all! Batmanchester from Manchester, NH here........

Started by batmanchester, February 02, 2007, 12:33 PM NHFT

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Hello everyone. I had seen this site before in my travels, but didn't really know what the board was all about until today. My wife was walking down Elm St. a little while ago, and happened across a couple of your members holding signs in support of Ed Brown. I too, along with other truth sites have been following the Ed Brown case very closely, and I have in fact been up to Plainfield 2x, as well as Keene and Concord. I also spoke to Ed by phone yesterday, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

I run a more middle of the road website myself, and give reports for a net radio station that actually also broadcasts on Telstar 5, with a potential listenership of almost 5 million people. I would like to invite some of you to call in to the show tonight, to give your insights on the situation in Plainfield.

My site is http://www.vigilantwatchnewsandblog.com and if you go there, you'll see on the front page a link called 'News and Information resources. On that page are links to other activist sites, and as soon as I'm done here, I will post a link to this site. The radio station of which I spoke is called Truth Net Radio, and the link to it is http://www.tnrlive.com The host's name is Mike Chambers, and his show runs from 1 a.m. eastern until 3 a.m. eastern, but he's going to be extending his shows and will have an afternoon one going soon. Again, someone from this site can get Ed a lot of exposure if they will call in tonight. I personally have been reporting what I find out, but if more people keep this story in the limelight, the feds may be less apt to make a move on the house. The last thing we need is another Waco here in New Hampshire.

Thanks for listening and keep up the good work...........Batmanchester

Tom Sawyer

Russell Kanning

Dada and friends strikes again. :)

when I got finished talking with Batman today .... I thought he would have a lot in common with dog and dada. 8) ... and our Manchestahh residents like Rosie


Great to "meet" you, Batmanchester!
I subscribed to the TNR podcast and will listen to some of the shows over the next week when I commute to work.

Have you heard of Free Talk Live?


Uh-oh, another Batman? William won't like the competition!

Rosie the Riveter

Welcome -- Batmanchester!!  Manchvegas Rocks!!

Glad to have you on the board.

~Kate from Manchester AKA Rosie  ;)


Dave Ridley

Great to have you here bat!

that was us at elm...

i did listen to that show you mentioned but they were just talking 9/11 stuff with a guest so i didn't call in about ed brown.

is it okay with them to get calls that are off topic?


probably not on tonight's show, which just ended no. Tonight was a guy who has really deep inside knowledge from the events of that day, and is in fact an investigative journalist, so everyone pretty much wanted to hear what he'd come up with.
But most other times, it's an open forum show, and anyone is encouraged to call in with whatever subject they like. Next time you're going to be down on Elm st. give me an email, and I'll come down and hold a sign with you guys.