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Bush's Feed The War, Not The Poor Budget, From the Bat Cave

Started by batmanchester, February 05, 2007, 12:27 PM NHFT

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President Bush unveiled his 2.9 trillion dollar budget for the new fiscal year today, and will present it to Congress. Within the budget itself, he presents a laundry list of new moneies to be given to defence spending, while at the same time cutting programs for the poor and disabled. He does this by claiming that these cuts are needed in entitlement programs to help balance the budget, but yet the one thing that he, nor any other neo-con since the Reagan years will ever tell the American people, is just how much is spent towards these programs that keep the poor from starving, give children access to medical care, help the infirm and the eldery live better lives, free and independent from government facilities, and provide a safety net for all Americans, a great majority of whom are only one paycheck away from disaster. The little known fact hidden behind the rhetoric, is that all of the so called entitlement programs combined equal less than 1 per cent of the overall GNP of the United States. That's right. Less than 1 per cent. On the other hand, defence related, both direct and indirect, spending, accounts for more than one fifth of the GNP. Although some accounting experts disagree, and claim the figure is actually closer to one quarter of all spending due to 'black budgets.'

So why does this President, and his neo-fascist cronies insist that the only way to balance the budget is to take food out of hungry children's mouths? And why doesn't this President stop trying to decieve the American people when it comes to his budget presentation in the first place? He slips into the budget that he expects Congress to rubber stamp, a line item veto, which would in effect make whatever Congress does meaningless, and pretty much give dictatorial powers to the Executive branch. That may have worked when the Republican party held sway over the country, but does he seriously think the Democrats are going to go along with this?

Another interesting tidbit in the 'official' White House release for public consumption, is the ditty named "Human Capital Management." Human capital management. That pretty much sums up how this government sees the people it is here to serve. As cattle. Human capital management. Indeed. The phrase sticks in my craw, and causes me to think back to the refurbishment of the old World War 2 internment camps that's allowed for in this new budget. Why would this President allocate millions of dollars for the internment camps to be refurbished, but cut the funding for programs such as Medicaid and Medicare? After he just finished telling our nation's seniors that the overhaul of the programs was a good thing for them. They bought into it, not that they had any choice or say in the matter, then cuts the funding for the newly revamped programs.

Also in this new budget is an item sure to get no press coverage whatsoever. And that would be the further slashing of medical rehabilitation programs for veterans. So the men and women serving our country under color in a false war for oil and war profiteering, will come home wounded and maimed, but have less options, or in some cases no options whatsoever under the President's bold new plan. See, he can't pay to feed, clothe, or house poor children, or veterans if he makes his tax cuts to the rich permanent, which he does in this farcical four volume document he calls a budget plan.

Continuing further, this President allows for the opening of American markets to foreign goods and services even further than they already are. The effects of the neo-con's plans to develop a North American Union are steam rolling forward, to the detriment of entire communities, indeed, entire cities and regions, whose job losses would be staggering in the best of times, but now seem unbearable, as parents must choose between paying for the mortgage on their home, or feeding their children, due to all of the new minimum wage, no benfit jobs created to replace the traditional middle class jobs shipped overseas under this administration.

Completely lost in the shuffle is the fact that defense spening increases will actually apportion out to closer than fifty per cent of actual budget spending. This happens because of the staggering increase of money allocated to the Homeland Security Department. When you total it all together with the money to be given to the Pentagon itself, the mind reels at what in the world they need over one trillion dollars for. Has the administration decided to take over the entire world? Oh, yeah, I guess they have huh? Read the pdf file of propoganda for yourself here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/budget/BudgetFY2008.pdf , and to read the budget itself, go to this page and follow the links to the pdf files: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2008/

Now the next time that you walk down the street, and you happen across a mother dressed in rags, dragging her children towards the indoctrination centers that they call 'rescue missions', don't just turn your head away. Know that you had a chance to make your voice heard in time to stop this insanity before it happened, by writing to your Congressperson, and demanding that they reject, with contempt, this budget that allows for the further erosion of the American dream, the further shove into poverty of middle America, and the foot on the throat of the nation's poor. That allows for the very fabric of our sovereignty to unravel, and gives Big Business more money at a time that they enjoy record profits, and their CEO's claim record compensation packages..........Batmanchester





I don't know. Isn't this the place for General discussion? It says feel free to talk about anything and everything here. If this should be posted in another section, then please feel free to move it there.



No. Not a liberal bent, just a prolictivity towards, and empathy for the needs of vulnerable people. I mean, if they're going to take tax dollars, and spend it all on the military, but in doing so, cut programs designed to protect American children from going hungry, or getting medical care, then I find something inherently wrong with the system.