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Please Explain -

Started by SpeedPhreak, March 08, 2007, 06:16 PM NHFT

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I am relatively new to the libertarian ideal & movement.  Although I have always "felt" it... i didn't know it.  Being new I also have a lot to learn & may change my mind on certain subjects from time to time.  Sorry if I "ramble"...

I have a few nagging questions (not so much questions but internal debate) that I can't seem to figure out for myself & would like input.

1 - literally almost everyone I talk to on the net or in person feels there is "something" wrong w/our country.  no one can really put a finger on it.  some say its bush... some say its iraq... some say this or that.  all these people see "it" & feel "it"... but what is "it".  I am pretty sure it is not 1 single thing... but a major player I am sure is the gov't.  When these people are shone the "light" they turn from it.  They go about their life; complaining, conforming, an answer in front of their eyes... but they do nothing.  I think its partially fear... but a lot of it is they actually have to do something... instead of "someone" else fixing it they see that it will take commitment & work on their part & decide that their life isn't so bad after all.

Some people quote our founding fathers & great leaders... many don't know what it means - ie..give me liberty or give me death.  If the "man" came to their door & said we are here to hang you because you can't have liberty (unless you are the social & economic elite of the country)... 90% of these people would kneel & beg for their life.  Actions speak louder than words & people have forgotten that (save most around here I would imagine).  Note - that example was not a "read between the lines" attack or stab towards anyone on these forums (or FSPs either).

2 - having been around some depressed people & situations & battling my own demons... I know that people can't change until they want to.  They rarely know that there is anything wrong or if the do they don't do anything about it until they hit rock bottom & from there the only place to go is up.

When will "we" hit rock botttom as a nation?  Literally?  When is the sh!t going to hit the fan? when is enough enough?  Will it be the colapse of the dollar?  When is that going to happen?  The invasion of Iran or N Korea?  maybe when 90% of the population is on some kind of list (similar to sex offenders lists... but for dui, drug possesion, domestic violence, being an anti gov't supporter, etc...)? are we going to have to have a full on civil war?  What will open peoples eyes to the bull sh!t factory that is the US Government?  I know the FSP & nhfree is trying to stop it before we get that far (& I am very honored to be involved on any level I can)... but is the effort a day late & a dollar short?

3 - where exactly did we go wrong?  I know it probably can't be traced to a single moment... then, maybe it can... something had to start the "butterfly effect".  What are the major moments in our history that led to todays environment?  Why were they not stopped then?

there is more... but that can wait.  these are not rethorical thoughts... I would like serious discussion if you would.



Much of the destruction we're about to see was sown some 100 years ago, when socialism and fascism became intellectually acceptable in the U.S. (not to mention elsewhere in the world) It's a fascinating history I don't have time to get into, but some people will.

I'm already looking forward to the aftermath.


Quote from: error on March 08, 2007, 06:21 PM NHFT

I'm already looking forward to the aftermath.

I thought I was the only one


The aftermath is really all we've got.


You nailed it, freak. Government IS the problem.

Relax, though. It's been going on a long, long time, and it will probably be around long after we're gone. (Harry Browne on this topic is very good reading. See his How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World.)

Take comfort in the fact that you are not a part of the problem!


Get your butt to NH. I'd love to have you on my flank!



Quote from: maineiac on March 08, 2007, 08:17 PM NHFT
Relax, though. It's been going on a long, long time, and it will probably be around long after we're gone. (Harry Browne on this topic is very good reading. See his How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World.)

I read that several years ago. It was instrumental in clarifying my own beliefs, which I'd known instinctively since I can't remember.