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Started by Russell Kanning, March 05, 2007, 09:50 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

I couldn't figure out where those strange quotes were coming from. Some of the words are mine, but I was afraid it was a press release gone wrong. Then I followed the indymedia link.


A suggestion for you, Russell

Man without ID vows to board plane makes for a pretty good libertarian protest.
But Man without I.D. vows to board flight with a gun makes for a pretty awesome libertarian protest. Of course, it would be best for the cause of liberty if said gun was purchased without a license.

In case you decide at the last minute to go with my idea, and don't have time to write a new press release, I have edited your old one to meet the demands of this freedom fight. My corrections are in bold.
NH Man without I.D. and a gun vows to board flight or be jailed

Inspired by New Hampshire's "outlaw manicurist," another Granite Stater is stepping forward - literally - to defy license-related laws like gun control. Russell Kanning of Keene has announced he will approach a TSA checkpoint at Manchester airport on June 11, refuse to show a drivers' license, then continue walking toward his flight packing heat until arrested or allowed to board.
"In a free country," he says, "You do not need the government's permission to travel. Nor should you need permission to get a gun, use a gun, or stow a gun in your carry-on.

Kanning noted that the Second Amendment does not qualify the circumstances under which a citizen can bear arms. Instead it states that '...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'
Kanning asked rhetorically, "Can you imagine what The Founders would say if they knew we did not allow citizens to bear arms aboard our whirligigs and flying contraptions?"

"My goal is to get on the plane with no I.D. and a big goddamn gun, if it's this time or next time...I'll just keep trying to do it."
Kanning stresses that he will not resist arrest or do anything that might be perceived as physically threatening if you aren't a sissy. He says this act of nonviolent resistance will follow the model laid down by Mahatma Gandhi, who used peaceful noncooperation to expel the British from India but would have been better served by a Sten MK V submachine gun.

"We'll go slowly, we'll talk with them, we might even tell them everything we're going to do ahead of time. We're *not* trying to hurt anybody unless personal defense requires us to begin shooting," he says.

But Kanning says the parallels with Gandhi's situation go further than a shared belief in nonviolence.
"In South Africa (where Gandhi's protests began), Indians had to have special I.D...so it's very similar that way, and he wanted to burn it...He was appealing to that same basic idea that we have rights to not have to have paperwork to be able to move freely."

Kenning commented, "Also, Gandhi wrote in Chapter XXVII of The Recruiting Campaign: 'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.'"
"Of course, Gandhi failed to mention that those British misdeeds included denying Indians the use of guns aboard planes," Kanning went on to add. "But we shouldn't criticize Gandhi too much for this ommission. Nobody is perfect. Even Mikail Kalashnikov, for all his good work, was a commie."

Earlier this month another Gandhi and gun admirer, Mike Fisher of Newmarket, used the Mahatma's techniques to protest business licensing. He announced he would perform an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing offices, earning a brief trip to jail and heavy regional media coverage for his point of view. Despite the fact that cuticles can be a lot of trouble, Mike unfortunately forgot to bring his gun to the manicuring session.
Kanning says Fisher's example inspired him to take similar action against personal licensing, which affects far more people, but this time the gun would be remembered. He believes the Real I.D. amendment passed by the Senate this month will make things even worse and may require the use of guns and the blood of patriots to secure liberty against tyranny. But he says it's important to stay positive. "The goal is we want to get to the point where we can travel without having to have paperwork and have the arms we need aboard airplanes to defend against the occasional attack by sky bears, so this is the beginning of that. We see light at the end of the barrel. " Currently the plan is for Kanning to arrive at the airport around noon, approaching the security checkpoint at around 12:30 p.m. He may tweak the timing a bit if need be to avoid delaying other passengers and to ensure he gets in a few good rounds at the local gun club beforehand to, you know, loosen up a bit.

What: Civil disobedience against airplane passenger I.D. requirement and anti-Second Amendment measures.
Where: Manchester Airport in New Hampshire (exact spot to be determined)
When: Saturday, June 11 @ noon
Who: Russell Kanning of Keene, NH, supporters from NHfree.com
Why: To draw attention to the fact that without a government license, you can barely go anywhere, and without a government law enforcement badge, you can't bring personal protection on to an aeroplane. You think those hijackers would have threatened anyone with a bunch of puny boxcutters if passengers could carry? NO SIR! Instead of a US Air snack box, they'da been given a lead sandwich... A few guys with office equipment should not be able to kill 3,000 people, and I for one will nevar forget.

How: By approaching a TSA checkpoint with a ticket but no I.D and a big honkin' gun, then walking forward through it until arrested or allowed to board. More contacts and details to appear in future releases, which you can find at NHfree.com and for more information about the right to bear arms on airplanes, visit keepandbeararms.com
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Russell Kanning

So it was an altered press release. One of the obvious flaws was that I never appeal to the second amendment. I cannot even quote it.

Not that there is anything wrong with guntoting. I just have not done it since I have been in NH.

money dollars

yea, that one was pretty good  :P

Quote from: president on June 06, 2005, 07:16 PM NHFT
have you guys seen this, posted 22 May 2005:


NH Man without I.D. and a gun vows to board flight or be jailed


As far as I've ever known, "big goddamn gun" is slang for the weapon with which all males are born. ;D

Tom Sawyer

The idea of Russell saying god damn... is even harder to believe than the gun part.

Kat Kanning

True!  I've never heard him cuss.

Russell Kanning

I don't see what cursing would accomplish.

Lloyd Danforth

Good for, occasional, emphasis ;D

From the age of 12 until 18, I worked in a sporting goods store. It was a hangout for men and the language was 'salty' and there were many crude names for members of every race, religion or sexual preference.  I was one of the guys around the guys, but, never brought it home.  Neither of my parents had, or, at least exhibited prejudices of any kind and taught us to judge people by their behavior, so, I never bought any of the racist, nazi, misogynist crap.

An old friend of mine, a major activist with the dems in CT who had a lot to do with dumping Lieberman, says 'fuck' every other sentence.  He has been doing this for years.  He attends meetings all of the time.  I don't go to these meetings.  Perhaps he is on better behavior at those meetings, but, he is so at home with the word 'fuck', I doubt it.

When I first started dating my ex wife she was living in a boarding house with a bunch of guys who hovered between 18 and 22, or so.  Her language was 'salty'.  I explained to her that that language didn't bother me any, but, it was just a bad habit to get into, and, should be used with discretion and for emphasis. 


I admit that my favorite curse word is fart. Explosive, yet satisfying.


Russell Kanning

Since I will be using this thread to update my good or bad news  .... eventually I will have to cut out all of Lloyd's posts. :)

Lloyd Danforth

I notice you're not threatening Cathleen

Tom Sawyer

She said fart... aaaahhhhh!

Now Cathleen is ruining it for the rest of us.  ;D

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 08, 2007, 11:49 AM NHFT
I notice you're not threatening Cathleen
forum nazis are very arbitrary