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When did America become a nation of frightened wimps?

Started by MikeforLiberty, April 14, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT

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A good read with credits to FTL.

The answer; it has been a long time coming. I'd say we've been sliding for the better part of 100 years.


I agree with him and I don't agree with him.  He makes an error in his implication that an improved system of "checks and balances" would somehow make things better.

I think that looking at the 80s is somewhat short-sighted... even going back 100 years is not far enough.

There are many examples of "the people" standing by and doing nothing, but certainly one that would qualify for "most egregious" was the War of Northern Aggression.  I have no love for words on paper, but Lincoln and his collaborators did nothing but trample them beneath a power play that has severe repercussions even to this day.

Even the American Revolution is highly tainted, and any ideals that were spouted in the process were forgotten when the bloodless coup of the Constitution came to pass about a decade later.

What a bunch of bloodthirsty tyrants so many of us bow down to...