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Arg!! ss number

Started by Kat Kanning, April 04, 2005, 12:35 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I'm trying to set up a dentist appointment for Kira and get told they can't do it without her social security number.  I refused to give it to them....said I'd go elsewhere.  She'd just been to the doctor and eye doctor without having the danged thing.  Petty bureaucrats!  It wasn't even the insurance company or anything asking for it, she said it was their office policy.


I had $400 hundered dollars from my medical reimbursement account that had to be spent before the end of the year. I tried to make an eye doctor appointment. The receptionist asked for my insurance. I told her I was a self pay with no insurance. She kept asking my for my insurance company I kept telling her I had none after several go arounds she told me without insurance I could not make an appointment. I said I would be paying cash for the appointment. She again said no insurance no apppointment. Needless to say I spent my money elsewhere.


I just had a fight this past week when I gave blood and wouldn't give them my SSN.
They took my blood..but they don't have my ssn...they wanted a tracking number for me. I told them to make one up and I will use that for now on.

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

Yea these guys aren't checking anything

Lloyd Danforth

Yaa, someone would say 044-52-5216 and Kira could say, "oh, that's my dentist number"