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Incident in Corpus Christi, Texas

Started by Nicholas Gilman, April 12, 2007, 09:18 PM NHFT

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Nicholas Gilman

    AN 18Bravo has boarded a bus in Corpus Christi and is holding hostages at this time.
Currently, he is armed with a firearm and grenades.
He states he will not return to Iraq alive.  He stated " I am going to make the
orders myself." and is attempting to draw attention to the real Iraq war,
not what is shown on TV. 

QuoteCCPD: Why all the guns and explosives, what is your point? what are you trying to do? Can I help you?

Guy on bus: these guns and grenades are to make a point alright, I am going to show the people of this country what is going on over there....i got my orders to go back and I am making the orders now. You can help me by staying back (pulls pin on grenade).


Nicholas Gilman

   Incident is over, CCPD says it is a training exercise, and will not make a statement.
Why do I not believe them?


I hope they screened all the passengers to make sure that none of them had a permit to carry concealed first.  This could have been very embarrassing for them.


Nicholas Gilman

Whats weird is a guy in Florida did take some people hostage, in a fully armed
gun store and shooting range...weird.


Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on April 13, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT
Whats weird is a guy in Florida did take some people hostage, in a fully armed
gun store and shooting range...weird.

And walked out alive?