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My latest posting on New Hampshire CraigsList

Started by powerchuter, April 12, 2007, 05:14 AM NHFT

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Re: We have a immigration problem right hear in s NH.
Reply to: comm-310447193@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-12, 5:52AM EDT

I took the time to read your post and decided to reply via a separate posting so others might learn from this also.

I am going to state the obvious so we can get a parallel and learn why this trend is occurring.

Most people want stuff. They want this stuff as inexpensively as possible. They really don't care who makes it, or where it's made...most will make their final decision based on price.

If you don't believe this is true then ask yourself why Walmart started out selling mostly American made goods(and advertised such) but now sells mostly goods made in other nations around the globe.

Your posting reflects a desire to use "force of government" and some supposed "jurisdiction"(which is just a fancy way of saying "might makes right") to keep certain human beings from being in a certain place and/or keeping them from working for less money in the field of work that you specifically are in...

Conservative estimates place the number of "legal" and "non-legal" immigrants at anywhere from 20 million to 50 million. In fact, the number may actually be even higher than that.

The cause of your "problem" is not immigration. The cause of your "problem" is competition. More specifically, it's competition that has decided(as well they should) that they have self-ownership and that they have a human right to engage in contractual arraignments without the interference of a third party. You are asking "the government" to use, or threaten to use, aggressive force(on your behalf) to keep someone from working at the price they decide. You want to force someone else to "play by YOUR rules"!?!

I'll bet you don't like it when someone else has "the government" do that to you!?!

Everyone should live according to the "Non-Aggression Principle" and the "Golden Rule"!

You will never get rid of competition without getting unfair consideration or protection from "governments" which are just mobs ruling by "might makes right" aggressive force!

Ask yourself these five questions if you don't understand how "jurisdiction" and supposed "governments" are only mob rule and entirely aggressive, immoral, and self-defeating.

1. Do I have the "right" to control your body and lock you in my cellar?

2. Do you have the "right" to control my body and lock me in your cellar?

3. Do we have the "right" to come together and conspire to control our neighbor's body and lock them up?

4. Do we have the "right" to encourage/pay/employ/reward someone else for doing this?

5. What are police?(and why do they look more like storm troopers and not "peace officers")

For more information please use a search engine for words, phrases, and concepts!

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this! I was once where you are at right now in my "philosophical maturity" and it was a very painful time to get through and past. There was alot of hatred involved. I know I couldn't see through the hatred at the time so I can't demand that you see past it...but I sincerely hope you do! Now that I'm past it I work 24/7/365 to promote the Non-Aggression Principle, the Golden Rule, and Liberty concepts. You are the beneficiary of this work. Please respect it by passing this on to one or two other people and if you would like to learn more you may contact me, but don't expect me to argue with you because I won't. Someday you will understand.


(I cut and pasted the original posting below)

We have a immigration problem right hear in s NH.
Reply to: comm-308961596@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-09, 7:27PM EDT

Dear john sunnu
We have a immigration problem right hear in NH.
I?m a contractor in this state , I have watched labor prices drop bellow poverty level.
I use national Insurance standards ,construction standard price books and etc .
I have 20 years exp in the field, 11 years in construction sale and bidding .
I have completed projects on Seabrook town hall to 120 year old church in Merrimack .
I?ve always been adamant about quality craftsmanship , and honest pricing .
Last year I saw the average residential new construction price per sq drop 45%.
For instance PM mackay group would pay $1.35 sq ft tear off and re roof one story for the last 5 years on average , same thing with a few others .
Last year and this year these guys told me strait out the had people that would do the same work for $.75 and up sq ft .
I said that they don?t have roofing liability , there comments were that they do care .
I have watched my insurance cost go up 35-45% in the last 3 years and labor prices fall .
I get calls in the summer for the last 3 years , were none English speaking people are willing to sub work from me for the average cost of $.65 sq ft I tell them all the same thing ,provide roofing insurance and registered lic or name, most don?t call back others fax bogus insurance papers .
But this isn?t funny any more , last month a guy in Salem NH wanted me to give him a quote on a garage frame, that he had blue prints
I get to are meeting, a few knights later , and he is showing me custom house plans on a garage .
Well I asked him ,who was the architect he told me he fired him
Ask him if his plans were excepted ,He said yes and that the foundation would be finished in a few weeks .
I look over the plans and estimated that the building would be about 4200 sq ft of living space and garage .
That a custom frame like his is $12.00 sq ft x 4200 = $48000.00 for labor included siding window and roofing labor,
He gasped ! I have never had this kind of reaction before , so i asked him what he thought a sq ft price should be ? His reply was $6-7 sq ft , then I asked him were he got the price from and said another contractor , I?m baffled ?
Know the average ranch built in the 70S is about 1600 sq ft cost around 250,000 in Nashua Salem
I want a 4200 sq ft home in Salem NH that only cost $27000 to frame roof side and install windows and doors
Hell all I need is some land and this guy and we could make a killing in this soft housing market .
So tell me how do think he does it ?
Lets wake up , I?M knot working tomorrow I?m going to the capital building to show gov lynch tomorrow
How some contractors In NH feel
I have had enough !
ill be back


Quote from: powerchuter on April 12, 2007, 05:14 AM NHFT

The cause of your "problem" is not immigration. The cause of your "problem" is competition. ...You are asking "the government" to use, or threaten to use, aggressive force(on your behalf) to keep someone from working at the price they decide. You want to force someone else to "play by YOUR rules"!?!

We have a immigration problem right hear in s NH.
Reply to: comm-308961596@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-09, 7:27PM EDT

Dear john sunnu
We have a immigration problem right hear in NH.
I?m a contractor in this state , I have watched labor prices drop bellow poverty level.
I use national Insurance standards ,construction standard price books and etc .
I have 20 years exp in the field, 11 years in construction sale and bidding .
I have completed projects on Seabrook town hall to 120 year old church in Merrimack .
I?ve always been adamant about quality craftsmanship , and honest pricing .
Last year I saw the average residential new construction price per sq drop 45%.
For instance PM mackay group would pay $1.35 sq ft tear off and re roof one story for the last 5 years on average , same thing with a few others .
Last year and this year these guys told me strait out the had people that would do the same work for $.75 and up sq ft .
I said that they don?t have roofing liability , there comments were that they do care .
I have watched my insurance cost go up 35-45% in the last 3 years and labor prices fall .
I get calls in the summer for the last 3 years , were none English speaking people are willing to sub work from me for the average cost of $.65 sq ft I tell them all the same thing ,provide roofing insurance and registered lic or name, most don?t call back others fax bogus insurance papers .
But this isn?t funny any more , last month a guy in Salem NH wanted me to give him a quote on a garage frame, that he had blue prints
I get to are meeting, a few knights later , and he is showing me custom house plans on a garage .
Well I asked him ,who was the architect he told me he fired him
Ask him if his plans were excepted ,He said yes and that the foundation would be finished in a few weeks .
I look over the plans and estimated that the building would be about 4200 sq ft of living space and garage .
That a custom frame like his is $12.00 sq ft x 4200 = $48000.00 for labor included siding window and roofing labor,
He gasped ! I have never had this kind of reaction before , so i asked him what he thought a sq ft price should be ? His reply was $6-7 sq ft , then I asked him were he got the price from and said another contractor , I?m baffled ?
Know the average ranch built in the 70S is about 1600 sq ft cost around 250,000 in Nashua Salem
I want a 4200 sq ft home in Salem NH that only cost $27000 to frame roof side and install windows and doors
Hell all I need is some land and this guy and we could make a killing in this soft housing market .
So tell me how do think he does it ?
Lets wake up , I?M knot working tomorrow I?m going to the capital building to show gov lynch tomorrow
How some contractors In NH feel
I have had enough !
ill be back

Yeah, Mr.Craftsmanship


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 12, 2007, 06:53 PM NHFT
Yeah, Mr.Craftsmanship

Just because he is not a good writer/author, does not make him a bad craftsman/builder.

No. He is not Mr. Wordsmith, but he does not claim to be.