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Tilting at Windmills 2007 (Kicking the Feds out of Keene)

Started by Russell Kanning, February 21, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT

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I have to say -- if part of your purpose is, as stated, to get more freedom-lovers to NH, it's working (at least for me).

I don't have time to keep up with everything on these boards, but I try to read 'em when I can.  I'm working on heading to NH (just had a phone interview for a job in Manchester!  Cross your fingers for me); and things like this just make me realize that I'm really missing out by NOT being there.  I'll be sure to join you as soon as I can!

Tom Sawyer



Ogre signed up for the FSP a short while ago, I think.

Get here soon!


If this job comes through, I'll be there this summer!

And if it doesn't, well, I'll just have to lower my job expectations...

(And actually I signed up a few years ago, just after the state vote -- and jumped in the First 1K last year, too.  There's just so many posts on these boards that I just can't keep up here nearly as much as I'd like to!)