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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Gun Show Today In Concord, NH - Looking for others interested in attending!

Started by powerchuter, April 15, 2007, 04:40 AM NHFT

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I went to the gun show yesterday after attending the CNHT and Concord Porc meetings.  I thought I might go again today and wondered if anyone else was up for it?  The show is open today from 9AM to 2PM and is $7 admission.  It's not like the shows in Austin(much, much smaller) but it's always refreshing to be in the same room with so much brass, lead, and steel.  I thought I would wear my Ed and Elaine Brown t-shirt today and maybe others could wear some sort of "protest" clothing.  I would also like another Ron Paul yard sign.  I put my first one in my car window and now need another one to carry through the show(I can pick one up if someone has a few in, or near, Concord).  Yesterday I carried copies of the Citizen's Rule Book around and had several people ask for one!  That's always good!

If I go today, perhaps I'll bring some AFTF DVDs in also.

PM or email me asap if you are interested.



When's the next gun show?  If I knew about it in advance I would go.


Yeah, a schedule, or advance notice, or a calendar entry, or SOMETHING...

Lloyd Danforth

When I tried to do an information table at a gun show in either or both Durham, CT and Springfield, MA, I was told by the company who produces these shows (From NY state, near the Hudson, River, somewhere)  they allow, only NRA sanctioned information.  I stopped going to any shows that they produce. I lost their name, but, will find it.

Pat McCotter
