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Started by Crocuta, April 16, 2007, 09:14 PM NHFT

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Having recently made the move into an actual paying career (following 8 years of self-slavery and a couple years as a starving student) I find myself able to start exploring things I couldn't do before.  I've been thinking about getting my wife and I concealed carry permits.  I'd like to hear some opinion on the matter.

One can always take the "my rights" track and carry anyhow, but the whole "going to jail for a really long time" part gives me pause.

Obviously should "they" so choose, those with the CCW's go to the top of the list when they start coming for the guns.  I have guns, but none that have gotten me on any lists, AFAIK.  I mean, I may be on a list anyhow because of some, um, associations in my youth, but I doubt it.

Any thoughts on risks/benefits of getting the CCW vs. not getting and not carrying?


Quote from: Crocuta on April 16, 2007, 09:14 PM NHFTAny thoughts on risks/benefits of getting the CCW vs. not getting and not carrying?

Well, if those are your options (CCW versus no carry at all), then get the CCW.  It's better to have a gun when you need it.

And honestly, this is NH.  They don't need the CCW lists to find gun owners.  It would be easier to compile a list of non-owners...

If you filled out a 4473 at a dealer to buy a gun, you're on a list.  If all your purchases have been private sales, or were a good while back, you probably aren't on a list, but it's NH, so they're just going to assume that every last person is armed, anyway.

Given the current climate, I find it easier to have the CCW, just like I find it easier to have a driver's license, even though neither is vaguely constitutional or right.

The key to guerilla warfare (even the political sort) is to only fight battles when you can win, and to blend back into the scenery when your opponent has the advantage.



Sorry - I forgot to mention I'm still in WA. Land of the liberals.


Quote from: Crocuta on April 16, 2007, 09:35 PM NHFTSorry - I forgot to mention I'm still in WA. Land of the liberals.

Uh, then I amend my advice to "move to NH and carry guns!" ;D



I second everything Joe has noted!


Quote from: MaineShark on April 16, 2007, 09:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: Crocuta on April 16, 2007, 09:35 PM NHFTSorry - I forgot to mention I'm still in WA. Land of the liberals.
Uh, then I amend my advice to "move to NH and carry guns!" ;D

Wife and I are working on extricating ourselves from WA, but due to many poor decisions (ours and others) in the past it will take time.  Progress is happening, however.  Got some paperwork this week that will resolve one major legal matter.  Will file it with the appropriate officials this week and hopefully have it cleared by the end of the month.  Then onto the next matter.  ;D

I was just continuing this discussion with my wife and she pointed out that she doesn't know if she wants a CCW for herself because of the fingerprint requirement.  Her prints aren't in any system anywhere and she'd like to keep it that way.  It's not really a concern to me because I spent four years in the Navy, so mine are already on file.


Does she wear gloves every minute of every day?

If they want your prints they will get them...
Granted, giving them voluntarily to fulfill an unconstitutional "regulation" is crap...

But the most important issue is being able to defend yourself so do whatever it takes!



She can carry an unloaded weapon concealed without a permit.  The mag can be nearby in case she needs to use the gun.  These are NH laws so I don't know if they apply to your current situation.  I have no interest in getting a permit to carry either...