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It is time to go vegetarian

Started by cathleeninnh, April 13, 2007, 12:45 PM NHFT

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I just got done reading this article about mon863 corn that Monsanto produced, (genetically modified), it seems that it's pretty bad too. Alex Jones was talking about it the other day.  What the heck are people supposed to do now this stuff goes into a lot of other foods?  I feel so screwed! ::)

Here's the link: http://www.newstarget.com/021784.html


Quote from: Scott Roth on April 15, 2007, 02:17 PM NHFT
We ground our own flour, baked bread, made gluten steaks, lots of vegetable soups and stews.  We ate soy, but not a major part of the diet.

Wow, ground your own flour!  I hate to cook, let alone grind my own flour.  I did try making gluten steaks before they came out like crap and gave everybody really bad flatulence!  Ha, I love that word!  How did someone think of that word?  Isn't fart much shorter?  Come to think of it which word existed first and who linked them together?  That's enough soul searching for me today, I'm drained! :D


Thanks Scott, I've got everything but the cilantro. It'll be good even without it. Tomorrow's dinner is planned.



I eat meat because I consider the happiness and enjoyment I get from eating meat to be more important than the "rights" of the animals I eat. I love eating meat. It tastes amazing. Eating meat, especially cow meat, gives me huge amounts of enjoyment and happiness because the taste and consistency is amazing. The enjoyment I get from knowing I haven't contributed to an animal being killed is extremely small in comparison. Unless something happens that makes me stop liking the taste of meat, I will not stop eating it voluntarily.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: raineyrocks on April 15, 2007, 02:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scott Roth on April 15, 2007, 02:17 PM NHFT
We ground our own flour, baked bread, made gluten steaks, lots of vegetable soups and stews.  We ate soy, but not a major part of the diet.

Wow, ground your own flour!  I hate to cook, let alone grind my own flour.  I did try making gluten steaks before they came out like crap and gave everybody really bad flatulence!  Ha, I love that word!  How did someone think of that word?  Isn't fart much shorter?  Come to think of it which word existed first and who linked them together?  That's enough soul searching for me today, I'm drained! :D

Don't have a clue what a gluten steak is, but, pancakes, bread, pancakes, pancakes and pancakes are really good made from fresh hand ground wheat.


Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 15, 2007, 07:58 PM NHFT
I eat meat because I consider the happiness and enjoyment I get from eating meat to be more important than the "rights" of the animals I eat. I love eating meat. It tastes amazing. Eating meat, especially cow meat, gives me huge amounts of enjoyment and happiness because the taste and consistency is amazing. The enjoyment I get from knowing I haven't contributed to an animal being killed is extremely small in comparison. Unless something happens that makes me stop liking the taste of meat, I will not stop eating it voluntarily.

I don't have any animal concerns, but over the years, I enjoy meat less and less. "Saving" animals gives me no enjoyment either. Preserving and maintaining health gives me more and more pleasure and saving money gives me the most pleasure. Meat is falling by the wayside.

Love bacon, though. Only on occasion. Not even once a month.



Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on April 15, 2007, 11:06 PM NHFT
Don't have a clue what a gluten steak is, but, pancakes, bread, pancakes, pancakes and pancakes are really good made from fresh hand ground wheat.

Agreed! I ground my own flour and bake my own bread too, as well as make pancakes, muffins, cookies, etc. from fresh ground flour. It's really easy. You just have to be willing to invest about $220 for a personal mill. You just set it on your counter, plug it in, and pour grain in. Now I buy dried grain instead of flour. Flour has to have a lot of weird crap in it to keep it from spoiling and also has a lot of the most nutritious parts of the grain removed, also to keep it from spoiling. Dried grain keeps better and retains all the nutritious parts. I make some of my baked goods, like pancakes, with Ezekiel flour. That's made with wheat, spelt, barley, and about six different kinds of legumes. It's a recipe that comes from a bible story. It's a complete protein (veggies know what that means). It makes some very yummy and nutritious pancakes and muffins!

I don't regret being veggie for three years. I still enjoy eating vegetarian now and then. If I'm with some veggie friends, I can go to a vegetarian restaurant and enjoy a meal with them. I notice that I still eat a lot less meat and know some vegetarians recipes and options that I can alternate with other meals. It has broadened my options. I'm all about broadening options rather than limiting them.

I do limit my intake of flour products that I didn't make myself, but I'm not even a tee-totaller about that. I know that bread products in restaurants are not up to my personal standards and I still eat them when I'm out, which isn't that often anymore. I pretty much only eat out to be sociable. I just prefer good wheat products to nutrition-stripped and preservative-filled versions whenever possible. Saves me a lot of money to not eat out also.


My friend was a vegetarian for 6 years..... a Costco hotdog pushed him off the wagon.


That is really pathetic. A hot dog? When I was a child about 5 years old, I wouldn't eat hamburgers or hot dogs. My mother sat me down and said I was going to have a hard time getting through life without eating hamburgers or hot dogs. She made me choose one or the other and start eating it. I cried and tried throwing a fit. I chose hamburger. I do eat hamburgers, but they aren't high on my list of preferences. But, to this day, no hot dog! The smell revolts me.



Yeah a hotdog.... it was pretty funny because his wife is super Veggie.  Their kid went off the wagon too.


The evolution of Lisa Simpson:
QuoteLisa: I'm a Vegetarian, I've thought of going Vegan.
Activist: I'm a 5th Level Vegan. I don't eat anything which casts a shadow.