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Not guilty! So now what?

Started by cyberdoo78, April 27, 2007, 01:50 PM NHFT

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Yeah? Tell that to certain judges that disagree with the interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

My State says that its courts aren't required to have jury trials unless the value exceeds $250, well above the established $100 or less fines imposed on most traffic fines. Now take a look at Amendment 7 of the US Constitution, that states the value is $50, and then ask yourself why a judge who has sworn to uphold the US Constitution and the State's Constitution why they would deny the right of a jury trial?

Because only provisions that specifically say the state, the citizen, or the people apply to those entities. The rest of the US Constitution applies only to the Federal Government. I thought the same way you did, till I started reading the opinions of judges and other legal "professionals".

You have no Federal Constitution rights that apply to the States except where it says you do. That's why every state has its own Constitution, much of which is basically the same things as the Constitution. My State, Alaska, has a provision of the 2nd Amendment that leaves no open interpretation, however the State still violates it.


That's the problem with the 14th... It is being interpreted at whim to arbitrary mean whatever the hell the judges want it to mean in that instance. Happens all the time.  :puke: