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PorcFest Marketing

Started by umbc_libertarian, April 18, 2007, 08:55 PM NHFT

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Hi.  I'm looking for some people to help do some online marketing/advertising for PorcFest.  This would entail sending some emails, posting to pro-liberty forums, and anything else you think would be a good idea.  Please email me at rich1@umbc.edu if you are interested. 

Also, btw, if you haven't registered yet, please do so as soon as possible (http://www.freestateproject.org/festival/registration).  Having accurate numbers (and ticket sales) sooner rather than later will help us plan accordingly and create a good bandwagon effect. 


Rich Goldman
PorcFest 2007 Coordinator

Lloyd Danforth

When I went to the Gunstock website I see special rates for soulfest and biker week.  Aren't there special rates for P'fest?


This year, not really.  They got special rates since their attendance is in the thousands.  In future years, we likely will.  Moreover, the more people we have this year, the more bargaining power we'll have next year.

Add this to the list of reasons why it's important to get people to PorcFest.

Lloyd Danforth

Or why we should have stuck to the place that did give us a discount.


Perhaps.  In either case, the die is cast.  Thanks for the registration  :)


MySpace can be a powerful tool. I've got 1,276 friends currently, and will be promoting the event heavily. The FSP MySPace has 2,970 friends and should be marketing to their friends, too. They could even set up an event there that people could RSVP to in addition to registering properly.


Yeah, if you could start messaging people on MySpace, that would be excellent.  Please let me know if you need or want any information or input from me.