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Other groups in action....

Started by Rosie the Riveter, April 24, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT

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Rosie the Riveter

Looks like the people of NH Peace Action are having some fun  ;) I like the phrase "nonviolent direct action" I also read that they will be having a demonstration at the McCain event in Manchester. Between the Ron Paul sign holders and the peace group the McCain event may make the nightly news.


Join us Tuesday! Planning Meeting for NV Direct Action
Posted by: "Anne Miller" anne@nhpeaceaction.org   nh_peace_action
Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:29 am (PST)

Dear Friends,

On Tuesday, April 24 at 5 pm, there will be a meeting at the NH Peace
Action offices to plan for a nonviolent direct action at Senator
Sununu's Manchester office that involves the possibility of arrest.
We intend to stay past closing time (5 pm) at the Manchester office
while calling for an end to the war in Iraq. This activity has
resulted in the arrest of activists in the past, most recently at
Senator Gregg's and former Rep. Bradley's offices.

At the meeting we will establish our affinity group and plan the
framework and time of the action. As you may know, there have been
six demonstrations at Sununu's offices over the past several months
and one meeting with the Senator himself. He continues to support the
Bush Administration stay the course on Iraq. This direct action will
be another step in increasing the pressure on the Senator.

Please contact me if you would like to participate in or support the
action, or if you have questions.

I look forward to hearing from you, and apologize for the short notice.


Anne Miller
New Hampshire Peace Action
4 Park Street Suite 210
Concord NH 03301
(603) 228-0559

Call to Action: Wed. Peace Visibility at McCain's Kick-Off Rally
Posted by: "Anne Miller" anne@nhpeaceaction.org   nh_peace_action
Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:11 pm (PST)

Join us on Wednesday, April 25 in Manchester at 5 pm in Veterans Park
(across from the Radisson) to greet Senator McCain at his campaign
kick-off with a clear message: The Iraq war is the "wrong way" and we
want all our troops brought home in 2007.

"***Pro-peace people will be gathering at the corner of Elm Street and
Merrimack Street (across from the Merrimack Restaurant) at 4:30 pm to
hand out signs, including signs that say "Iraq War - Wrong Way" and
"New Hampshire Says No to War!" that we will hold during the
demonstration. We also hope you'll come up with your own creative
signage to bring. (Rain site: SNHU Field House, 2500 N. River Road)"


I hope that they protest Carol Shea Porter's and Hodes' offices... I mean for them voting to fund the war.

Rosie the Riveter

It does seem like that is where they go wrong.  Although I don't know enough about the organization to really say much. It does seem like they focus their demonstrations at republicans.


Quote from: Dreepa on April 24, 2007, 09:15 AM NHFT
I hope that they protest Carol Shea Porter's and Hodes' offices... I mean for them voting to fund the war.

Isn't it amazing not one word has been said about this funding of the troops with MORE money than Bush requested, especially when that was their sole campaign issue? She never mentioned raising taxes or increasing spending either, another thing that was insult to injury on that bill. She did say she would never vote in lockstep with the democrat leadership, but she has 100% so far since the day she got her marching orders.

But as for the 'peace' groups, not one word about Hodes and Porter doing the complete opposite of their promises. NHPA will hypocritically protest McCain instead, who even though I would never vote for him, at least will say what he means about the current status of the war, and probably follow through on it.

And if you want to get out of a war, you don't tell the enemy the day you are going to do it. So much for protecting the troops that are still there.