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MtBE found in groundwater in Epping.

Started by Michael Fisher, April 09, 2005, 07:08 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

MtBE testing continues on Jenness Road homes

Apparently, MtBE was not a problem before government "oxygenation" guidelines were implemented to help "protect" the environment.  Then, MtBE was added to fuels to make them burn "cleaner".  Now it's showing up in groundwater all over the place, especially near junkyards or others places where vehicles are stored.

If this is yet another case of the government attempting to solve problems that it created, then we should make a huge deal out of this issue.  People around Newmarket talk about this all the time.  They're essentially afraid to drink the water because the government has ruined it.


MTBE-free gas is now marketed in CA as a 'good' thing.  In that 'interim' time when MTBE was required but known to be dangerous, all the gas pumps had a funny sticker on them that said something to the effect of (my paraphrase):  "the government made us put this stuff in to save the environment but it will really destroy the environment and kill you"  After reading that sticker over and over, Californians were happy to buy lots of MTBE-free gas ;)


Pat K

Yep we had this problem here in NY too.
Got rid of the MTBE but of course still have to have some other "blend" that drives the price up .

Michael Fisher

Quote from: freedominnh on April 09, 2005, 08:31 AM NHFT
Newmarket problems stem from closure of Pease AFB, which was almost entirely on Newmarket acquifer.
