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Where does NH rank in education?

Started by Quantrill, April 08, 2007, 10:10 AM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on April 11, 2007, 08:12 AM NHFT
Why does everyone want to move to NH, then despoil it?"

Some WANT to drag New Hampshire down and know that this is what they're doing. These people need to be rounded up and shipped back to Moscow.

I suspect a lot MORE moved here because they wanted to improve their own situation, but brought with them the old ideas and mindsets which made the places they came from so horrible. These people need our sympathy and help.


Quote from: error on April 11, 2007, 10:12 AM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on April 11, 2007, 08:12 AM NHFT
Why does everyone want to move to NH, then despoil it?"

Some WANT to drag New Hampshire down and know that this is what they're doing. These people need to be rounded up and shipped back to Moscow.

I suspect a lot MORE moved here because they wanted to improve their own situation, but brought with them the old ideas and mindsets which made the places they came from so horrible. These people need our sympathy and help.

I don't think they would like the kind of sympathy I'd want to give 'em...  >:D

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Tyler Stearns on April 11, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT
Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on April 10, 2007, 08:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tyler Stearns on April 09, 2007, 06:44 PM NHFT
Frederic Upton:
QuoteAs for the state's constitutional obligation to provide an adequate education as now commanded by the constitution, the question might be more appropriately put: Can this state afford not to pay the full cost of this obligation?

Now commanded by the constitution?!  Why wasn't it commanded when the constitution was adopted in 1784?  Why did it take over 200 years to come to this conclusion?  And to answer his question: yes, the state can afford to not pay the full cost of an adequate education.  We haven't thus far and we are ranked 3rd in the nation. 

If it ain't broke don't fix it!

BUT -- It is broken --they just don't know how to fix it so they throw money at it

From a practical and incremental standpoint it is not broken, but I know what you mean.  We need school choice as a first step and then government out of the education business soon thereafter.  But for right now I think 3rd in the nation for schools is a good thing and they shouldn't be making it worse.

I agree with you -- School Choice is the first logical step... and something worth working towards.


QuoteWas printed today:

SWEET!  ( or should I make that W00t!) 

I think they printed that in hopes that I would leave them alone for awhile.  I believe that is my 3rd LTE sent to the Monitor...


SO now the Pravda on the Merrimack -- er Monitor, sees the need to ADULATE this old Marxist FOOL once again.

Dammmit FREDERIC UPTON. Still living another day to have his lawfirm threaten poor taxpayers.

Fire up your LTEs and let's make this man not look like such a hero.

What gives Upton the right to sit around and pontificate on how the government should be confiscating our wealth now that he's live his life?
If that sounds a bit classwarfare, well hell.... at least I don' advocate communism for you young people who haven't made your money yet..



To the editor:

Too bad you did not print the dark side of Upton's lawfirm which in the past was engaged in the harassment and threatening of the taxpayers and  in Bedford when they were merely trying to save themselves from losing their homes.

Shame on this old man. It's yet another case of the moneyed left, purveying the attitude of "I've got mine now, so I don't care if the government takes yours to expand itself, to redistribute to everyone else, even if you don't have it " and even worse, using the NH Consitution to justify his far-leftist ideas! I can assure you that the NH Constitution was NOT written with Marxist platform plank #10 in mind (free education for all)...resulting in #1 (abolition of private property)

And shame on the Monitor for making a hero out of this man. Instead they should have printed the scores of letters they must have gotten complaining about his dangerous advocacies so as to educate the public about what is happening to NH thanks to others like him.

Bar Association? Enough said.

I suppose this will incite that stalker to harass me some more, but I don't care at this point.