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FSP makes CBS news website and The New Republic 5/07

Started by Dave Ridley, May 27, 2007, 03:21 PM NHFT

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Some FSP media mentions off the top of my head in chronological order:

Walter Williams
Women & Guns magazine
TIME magazine
New Republic
CBS news

I'm thinking that a Liberty Forum here in NH, a few weeks before the Prez primary, will put FSP smack in the middle of American mainstream political discussion. Whereas right now about 10,000-20,000 people know basically what the FSP is and that NH is "ground zero" for reducing the size & scope of government.... that number will increase by a factor of 100.


QuoteI'm thinking that a Liberty Forum here in NH, a few weeks before the Prez primary, will put FSP smack in the middle of American mainstream political discussion. Whereas right now about 10,000-20,000 people know basically what the FSP is and that NH is "ground zero" for reducing the size & scope of government.... that number will increase by a factor of 100.

I hate to be the pessimist here, but I'm still very upset that it's 2007 and only 458 people have officially moved to NH.  I don't even want to discuss the signup rate...

Hopefully you're right and we'll definitely take whatever press we can get.  It's very disheartening to see all the Hillary/Obama stickers and "I am a health care voter" t-shirts and know that our reinforcements are either not coming or are taking their time getting here.



Dave Ridley

i think more like a couple million americans know what the fsp is

I ran into quite a few people randomly back in 03-04 in tx and colorado who knew what it was.

i'm sure at least two thirds of new hampshire knows what it is, that's almost a million right there


Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 27, 2007, 04:41 PM NHFT
i think more like a couple million americans know what the fsp is

I ran into quite a few people randomly back in 03-04 in tx and colorado who knew what it was.

i'm sure at least two thirds of new hampshire knows what it is, that's almost a million right there

I haven't talked to tons of people but the people I have talked to in New Hampshire had no idea what the FSP until I told them.  A couple people said, "that sounds cool" and then other people just look at me weirdly and I tell them it's not a cult or anything.  I remember in Maryland I was looking up health food stuff and I must have had a certain word typed into google that bought me to the FSP page, isn't that neat? :)